
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
September 19, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
September 20, 1864

The following order was issued last evening by Capt. Over, Commander of the post:

Headquarters Military Com'dr,
Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 20th.

General Orders, No. 11.

I. Information having been received that a number of soldiers did, last night, forcibly enter a house on Market street in this city, and then and there threaten the life of a citizen, the commanding officers of the different regiments, companies and detachments, are hereby ordered to allow no soldiers to be absent from their camps or quarters after dark, and all soldiers found on the streets of the city without proper authority, will be arrested by the Provost Guard and confined in the military prison at this post.

II. A number of citizens having yesterday attempted to incite soldiers to commit unlawful acts, and the civil authorities having confessed their inability to properly police the city, Lieut. Henry Knapp, Provost Marshall of the Post, is hereby ordered to cause the city to be patrolled at all hours of the night, and will adopt such measures as maybe best suited to preserve the peace.

Ew. Over,
Capt. 6th W. Va. Inf., Mil. Com.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1864

West Virginia Archives and History