
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 15, 1865

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
March 16, 1865


LIEUT. RICHARDS of Battery D, who has been enjoying the hospitalities of the various prison pens of the South for the past year, arrived at home yesterday evening, and is looking quite as well as would be expected under the circumstances. He says Sherman has been chasing him and other prisoners all over the Confederacy for the last month. He says tongue can hardly tell the sights and horrors he has witnessed during his captivity. He brings a sample of the bread sold by the Settlers of the South. A loaf about two inches square costs one dollar and a half. It is about as hard and much resembles the dark sand stone found in the quarries of West Virginia. It would require an appetite like a saw mill, and the digestive organs of an ostrich, to dispose of it. We congratulate the Lieutenant and his friends on his safe return.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1865

West Virginia Archives and History