
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 22, 1865

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
March 24, 1865

DURING the months of August and November, 1863, a number of the State Guards belonging to the companies under command of Captains Ramsey and Brown, were captured in Nicholas county. Since that time they have been in rebel hands and have experienced the most inhuman treatment. Three of their number have lately been exchanged and arrived here on Tuesday. They present a most forlorn appearance, reduced by starvation to the shadows. Their intellect seems to be impaired by their sufferings, and memory fails to perform her office. Out of twenty-three captured, three have been exchanged, five still remain prisoners, and twelve, being more and one-half, have died. As a matter of interest we publish the names of those who have died and those who still remain in prison.

Died:Geo. Dooley, H.D. Keenan, Moses Ockeitree, R. J. Hanna, N. Martin, Jas Holscomb, Jos. Feagle, J. A. Pierce, Geo. W. Reed, Jubal Wayne, Wm. J. Chapman.

Still Prisoners:Jos. Bryant, Jno. Campbell, Emanuel Martin, Wesley Chapline, Hiram Pierson.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1865

West Virginia Archives and History