
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 1861

Richmond Daily Dispatch
October 9, 1861

The last Raid on Harper's Ferry.

--The Charleston Spirit of Jefferson gives the following particulars of the recent marauding expedition near and upon Harper's Ferry, briefly alluded to in yesterday's Dispatch:

On Saturday night last a command of midnight marauders, numbering as supposed near 100, crossed the Potomac at or near Harper's Ferry, in route as believed for Charlestown. Their object on the line of march was plunder, and we have heard of various depredations committed, as far as they proceeded unmolested. At Halltown, however, they were brought to a stand-point by one of the sentinels of Capt. Henderson, who hailed and fired at them, which was quickly followed by the report of two other sentinels, when the whole clan ingloriously ran. In their retreat, the thieving clan strewed the turnpike with slaughtered chickens, canteens, and some of their ragamuffin hats. What a bold and daring set of invaders for any other purpose than robbing hen-roots and pig styes of unarmed and unsuspecting citizens?

Since the above was in type, we learn that a small body of the Hessians made a descent on Tuesday, on Harper's Ferry, and commenced a work of destruction generally on all business places that were found closed.--The fine drug store of Dr. Clagett was forcibly entered, the bottles and fixtures generally destroyed, and the furniture demolished. The office of the Winchester Railroad was broken open, stoves stolen and furniture destroyed. The house of Mr. George W. Cutshaw was also entered and riddled, whilst Mrs. Brenner's store and various private residences shared the same fate. This particular horde, intending to leave on the next day, would doubtless have given loose reins to their licentious and nefarious purposes had not the superior officer, for reasons of discretion, put a stop to their proceedings.

On Thursday, in the bread glare of day another posse had the base audacity to visit the residence of Mrs. Henderson, near Halltown, (mother of Capt. H.,) search her house, rifle it of guns, jewelry, &c. On this morning two negroes absconded from her, a man and a boy, no doubt as pre-arranged. Shall such things be longer tolerated!

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: October 1861

West Virginia Archives and History