
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
November 1861

Richmond Daily Dispatch
November 15, 1861

From the army of the Kanawha.

--The Norfolk Day Book, of yesterday, publishes the following extract of a letter received in that city:

Raleigh C. H., Va.,Nov. 4th, 1861.

I have just returned from another scout which proved successful to us. We killed several of the enemy, and took 15 prisoners, with many valuable horses. We visited several Union houses during the scout, and I laid in a large stock of bed quilts, woolen counterpanes, blankets, and other necessary articles. I will not suffer for bed-clothing during the winter. I think that our whole force will be in Charleston in a week or two. I understand that Floyd killed and captured about 1,000 Yankees on yesterday : a pretty good haul for this late season.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: November 1861

West Virginia Archives and History