
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
April 17, 1864

Wirt County - Why no Local Bounty has been offered her Soldiers.

Wirt C. H., W. Va., April 4, 1864

Editors Intelligencer:

I noticed in your issue of the 30th of March, 1864, an article from the re-enlisted soldiers from Wirt county, belonging to the 1st Regiment: W. Va. V. V. Cavalry, in which the following paragraph occurs:

"While other countries of our State are paying bounties to their volunteers, it is surprising to us that no such measures are undertaken nor even spoken of in the country of Wirt." And again, "Her citizens at home have lived in ease and safety, seldom suffering from rebel raids, &c." Now, Messrs. Editors, as there has been a great deal said and some misunderstanding about Wirt county concerning this matter, I would say first, that Wirt county is, and has been partially in an unorganized state of civil government ever since the present new State government has been in operations, therefore we have had no Board of Supervisors of the county or other tribunal whereby a local bounty could be levied and collected for our soldiers in the field. And secondly, that our laurel crowned veterans in the 1st Cavalry Regiment, of whom we are proud, are a little mistaken when they say we have lied in case and a safety, &c. The writer of this little article thinks he would be safe in saying that Wirt county has had enough property destroyed by the rebels since this rebellion was inaugurated to pay at least two thousand dollars as a bounty to every soldier she has sent to the national army. This may look like "tall figures" to some people, but let any person that is acquainted with the affairs of our country make the calculation and see if I am not under the figures. The destruction of the great oil wells our county by Jones' band of cut throats in May, 1863, was a loss of one hundred thousand dollars alone, to say nothing of the vast amount of horses, store goods, &c. of which our citizens have been robbed. I do not pretend to say that Wirt county ought not to pay her soldiers any bounty, but to the contrary, I most assuredly think she ought. I only wish to give an explanation and set our humble, but loyal county, right before the public. We would not have been behind any of our sister counties in this benevolent and patriotic system of local bounties, paying to the defenders of our common country, if it had not been for the unorganized state of our county as aforesaid.

If our noble soldiers will just continue to hold the "rebs" in check, I think we will get fully organized in a short time, and then I think there will be no mistake about the bounty. Send us your ballots, all that are entitled to vote in this county, at our next election which will probably be on the 4th Thursday in April, 1864.

A Citizen of Wirt.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: April 1864

West Virginia Archives and History