
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
May 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 16, 1864

Important Order. - Gen. Sigel has issued an order setting forth that it is the professional business of rebel agents and spies, as it is the pleasure of rebel sympathizing citizens within our lines, to originate and spread false rumors in regard to the strength of the enemy, his positions and his movements, for the purpose of misleading the military authorizes and alarming the loyal portion of the people. To suppress as far as possible this practice, so fruitful of evil, officers and soldiers are directed to refrain from conversing with citizens upon military matters, and to report to the nearest Commanding Officer or Provost Marshal the name of any citizen who pretends to have or give information of the enemy, that he may be arrested, examined, and held accountable for the truth of his reports.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: May 1864

West Virginia Archives and History