
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
October 7, 1864

Rebel Deserters - For some days previous to the recent rebel raid into Buckhannon and Weston, quite a large number of rebel desserters [sic] had come into the country in twos and threes and taken the oath of allegiance. They hung around Clarksburg and Weston, and in the vicinity of those places without seeming to know exactly what to do with themselves. When the raiders left the country, the deserters, almost to a man, also disappeared.

The disaster to Major Lang, who had charge of a scouting party composed of citizens of Clarksburg, and who went out in search of the rebels towards Buckhannon is attributable to a couple of these worthies. As the Major was moving along a short distance this side of Buckhannon, he met a couple of deserters who said they belonged to a party of twenty rebels, who were lying up near Buckhannon drunk and disorganized. They volunteered to show the Major where this squad was and agreed to pilot his party, that the rebels might be surprised and captured. They were accepted as guides and led Major L.'s party right square into an ambush and they were overpowered by a large force of rebels and the whole party was captured. Rebel deserters are very uncertain chaps. Let no such men be trusted.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: October 1864

West Virginia Archives and History