
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
December 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
December 8, 1864

Valuable Information. - Adjutant General Pierpoint is now engaged in preparing a report which will be looked for with great interest by the public. The report will contain the names of every officer and soldier who has ever served in any West Virginia regiment since the breaking out of the war. It will also contain a history of each individual soldier as far as it can be ascertained by General P. The report will be published in book form, and will make four or five hundred pages.

The work upon which the Adjutant General has entered is a stupendous one and he deserves great credit for the interest he has taken in the history of our soldiers and the labor which he will necessarily have to devote to the report.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: December 1864

West Virginia Archives and History