
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 1865

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
March 22, 1865

THE thieving gangs of Guerrillas which infest the border and the mountain counties of the interior, have already commenced their usual spring depredations, but without their usual success. Their efforts thus far have been promptly met, and they are being rapidly brought to grief. Like all that clings to the warning fortunes of the Confederacy, they are doomed to an early overthrow, and if they persist, to final destruction. We published a communication yesterday, noticing the capture by Captain Snyder and his State Guards, of the notorious Stalmaker [sic] and his thieving band. A portion of White's band, dressed in Federal uniform, penetrated our lines in the vicinity of Washington City, carrying off a number of horses. They were pursued and overtaken and two of their number killed. In the Land Register we find accounts of quite a number of captures made by our State and National troops, which show that they are active and on the alert. Our State troops deserve great credit for the manner in which they are handling these marauders, and which must soon result in the extermination of the villains who make murder and robbery their calling.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: March 1865

West Virginia Archives and History