
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 1865

The West Virginia Journal
March 29, 1865

Plans of the Rebel Campaign

An intelligent staff officer, who enjoys opportunities for observation near the headquarters of the armies now operating against Richmond, gives the following views in a letter:

He believes Richmond will not be evacuated until after a decisive battle. The defenses of the rebels north of the Appomattox are being strengthened. Seventeen heavy guns have been mounted there already Petersburg will, doubtless, be evacuated in order to shorten the rebel lines and enable Lee to hold Richmond against the grand attack. Danville will be held, if possible, in order to secure the supplies of power. Lynchburg is to be held to secure the supplies of food and forage. Gordonville is to be held for the sake of the salt works and the lead mines beyond the mountains. Lee is bound to organize colored troops, and expects to have 150,000 before the Spring campaign fairly opens. His white troops will form his mobile force, the blacks to be held behind fortifications, & Johnson is expected to get enough troops together to delay Sherman's advance, but he will fall back continually when pressed by Sherman, until he unites his forces with Lee's, somewhere near the "last ditch."

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: March 1865

West Virginia Archives and History