
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 1865

The West Virginia Journal
March 29, 1865

General Crook.

Major-General George Crook is again in command of the Department of West Virginia. This is certainly right and proper. His distinguished services in the field since the commencement of the war, have too firmly established his reputation as an officer of superior ability, to be affected by the censures of the New York Tribune, and some other sheets and persons, on account of his late capture. All officers are liable to such misfortunes. Wherever the blame lies, it cannot truthfully be charged to General Crook. He is too well known as an officer of untiring vigilance, rigid discipline, and unflinching courage, to he affected by any newspaper articles on the field, should shield him from all such criticisms.

We are pleased to see that the War Department and the General-in-Chief have not lost confidence in General Crook, and , further, that by restoring him to his former command, no blame in their opinion attaches to him in the affair resulting in the capture of himself and General Kelley.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: March 1865

West Virginia Archives and History