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Head Qs 7th Va Vol
Camp near Falmouth Va
Tuesday Decm 9th 1862
Mary E. Snider

Dear Daughter

I this hour received two letters written by your dear little hand one dated, Nov 17th the other Decm 2d you cant imagine how glad I was, to hear from you in your own language and in your own hand writing I am rejoiced to learn you are well, and pleased with your studies and have a pleasant roommate, your studies will become more pleasing, as you advance and more interesting also I am willing to confess, I did not desire to wound your mother's feelings but to remind her that I thought she was neglecting me in the way of correspondence but perhaps she is not to blame sometimes it takes a long time for a letter to get to me and sometimes they come in a few days. I expected your mother would laugh when she received that letter, and remark that she knew I was getting well by its tone and language. We are hav[i]ng some cold weather here the men are building log huts or cabins to shield them from the cold it is hard business soldering in cold weather. We have quite a town of log huts you would laugh to see them there is some indications that we will get marching orders before long, perhaps in a day or two and it may not be for months, army movements are ve[r]y uncertain-Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the soldiers are cheerful and lively you wonder how that can be. I can't tell, but it is so. I wrote you on the 6th this month only three days ago but today when I received your letters giv[i]ng me so much pleasing information, I thought it due to you to write and acknowledge your kind and affectionate mention. Dear Edie I can't get any photographs taken here at this time there is no artists here I would gladly send mine if I could procure it. I don't expect to be at home Christmas you can eat some turkey for me. I wrote to son [that] he must eat some sau[s]age for me so you see by this means I will grow fat.

Edie be kind and respectful to all with whom you are associated show respect especially to those whose duty it is to teach you by this course you will have their respect.

I am about well again, thank Him the Lord for his goodness to me and sincerely trust and pray, that the same good Lord, will take care of you, mother and son.

Give my respects to Mr. And Mrs. Moore, and tell them I want them to so teach you that you will be a scholar.

With my best wishes for your prosperity I am Dear daughter your affectionate father.

Jo Snider

Direct as before except this change say Falmouth Va