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"Hope to See You Soon"

A Collection of
West Virginia
War Letters

Ray William Stotler

The parents of Ray William Stotler received this letter of condolence from the parents of one of his buddies, Monte Pierce, who had been with him when he was mortally wounded in Vietnam on August 2, 1967.

Pierce, Nebr
Aug 30, 1967

Dear Mr & Mrs. Stottler,

I don't know if this letter will ever reach you folks because we don't have your complete address.

We want to extend our deepest sympathy to you folks in your great loss. Our son Monte and your son Ray were the best of buddies. They met in Vietnam and Monte says you couldn't find a better buddy than your son. Monte was with your son at the time of his death. Monte was hit and knocked out, but he had writing paper in his pocket and the paper deflected the bullets away from his leg. That is what saved him from serious injury. His writing paper was shot full of holes.

We know just how heartbroken you folks are. We lost a sixteen year old son almost nine years ago and I pray God that Monte will come thru this war alright.

May God comfort you at this time.

Mrs and Mrs Alfred Zierke Pierce, Nebr.

Index to War Letters