Union Regiments

Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1861-1865
Box 31

In addition to official military matters many of these letters cover civilian complaints, regimental and militia situations, war claims, business transactions, soldier compensation, recommendations, Confederate activities, etc. - most of the letters are composed by the name assigned although a few are about the person listed and/or written or signed by such persons as an attorney or agent - the number following some names represents the total letters in that file - no number following a name indicates only one item.

James Abrahams, Jacob Adams, C.H. Aldue, W. Alexander, A.J. Allen, A.J. Alexander, M.P. Amiss (10), Finley Anderson, J.A. Anderson (2), T.J. Anderson, W.P. Anderson, H. Anisansel (3), Charles P. Bailey, Margaret J. Bailey, A. Baird, Charles A. Banner, J.T. Barbour, C.A. Barlow, James I. Barrick (5), Clara Barton, G.M. Bascomb (2), George T. Batch (3), Jeremiah Beatty, Samuel Beech, Henry Bell, W.W. Bell, M.M. Bennett, P.G. Bier, Philip A. Bier, C.E. Billingsley, James Black ,J.W. Blake,H.H. Boggess (10),, Thomas Boggess (5), Wm. M. Boone, A.I. Boreman (9), M. Bosworth, D. Boughner & others, Lemuel J. Bowden, S. Bowden, S.J. Bowen, A.H. Bowman, E.P. Bowman, Robert Boyd, M.P. Boyer, John Boyle, Thomas H. Bradley, H.C. Bramman, W.T. Branstrup, Henry Brazie, Neil Brice, John J. Briggs, J.H. Briston, Lewis Brooks, G.W. Brown, J.H. Brown, John W. Brown (2), Samuel Brown, Wm. T. Brown (2), W.Y. Brown, S. Brownell (2), Saml. Buch, A.R. Buffington, Jno. Burdett, Abraham Bush, E.H. Caldwell, J.T. Caldwell, John Calherts, Milton Byron Campbell (2), W. Campbell. B.C. Card, Manley Carder, John S. Carlile, J.D.M. Carr, J.C. Carricoff, James Carroll (2), S. Carroll, E.H. Carswell, Richard A. Carter, James Carskadon, B.F. Chamberlain, Wm. Chamberlain, John A. Chambers, W.C. Church, W.H. Clapp, David Clark, L. Clark, B. Clarkson, James H. Clement, Draper Cole, Amos D. Collins (14), E.H. Combs (2), J. Combs, A. Condie, John Conley, R.N. Conley, Thomas S. Conley (5), T.E. Conn, Floyd Cook, Samuel F. Cooke, J.J. Cork, Wm. B. Coulter, B.R. Cowen, W.J. Cowing, Jacob D. Cox (10), John Cox, J.O. Cox, T.J. Cram (3), J. Cranor, Dr. Crawford, J.W. Cromwell. Geo. H. Crossman, H.W. Crothers (5), M.A. Cruikshank, James Culbertson, Dudley Curtis, E.H. Curtis, Joseph Darr (14), T.B.A. David, D.H. Davis, O.E. Davis, A.P. Davison (3), E.G. Day (2), Thomas E. Day, Spencer Dayton (2), J.P. Dean, A.E. Deem, Columbus Delano, Lionel Jobert D'Epineuil (5), Wm. W. Dering, Joseph E. Devitt, A. S. Dewey (16), J. H. Dis Debar (4), Wm. T. Dixon & Bro., J.M. Doddridge, A.S. Dodge (16), T.A. Dodge (3), T.W. Donaldson, G.W.E. Dorsey (7), F.P. Doten (2), L.L. Doty (3), J.H. Douglas, W.H. Douglas (2), Morris W. Dowing, A.N. Duffie (2), R.C. Dummington, R.G. Dun & Co. (5), H.A. Dupoy, Owen Dyer, "Eagle" steamboat (2), Thomas J. Edwards (2), John Ely (6), I.N. Estabrook (2), William E. Estep, James Evans (8) Wm. F. Farish,, D.T.T. Farnsworth, Wm. E. Feazel, James H. Ferguson (1), Milton J. Ferguson (3), W.H.H. Ferrell, J.E. Finley, Robert Finn, A. Fisher, W. Fitch, Jacob Flanagan, William G. Flannegan, John Flesher, James Floyd, J.H. Fluharty, J.F, Follett (2), J.B. Ford (2), C.C. Foreman, C.W. Foster, Hiram Fowler, E.B. French, John R. (or B.) Frothingham (17), James B. Fry (3), John W. Fuller (2), William D. Fuller, C.C. Funk, J.H. Furbee, J.H. Furgee & others, Silas Gallaher, R.S. Gardner (3), Lawrence Garing, N.H. Garrison, H.P. Gates, Aug. Gaylord, Chas. Gebhart (2), Jefferson Gibbins, John Gibbon, B.W. Gillis, Alfred S. Glenn, Nathan Goff (4), C.B. Golden, M.W. Goss, G. Grant, James T. Gray, John Gregg (2), G.S. Guthrie, James Guthrie, Geo. W. Hackworth, L.A. Hagans (2), E,B. Hall (6), Ellery R. Hall (5), John Hall Sr. (6), Samuel C. Halten, Edward L. Halstead (3), Wm. B. Hamilton, Winfield Scott Hancock (2), E. Hanslentner, George Hardman, William Hardy, Thos. S. Hargest F. Harman,, J. Harper, Edward Harris (2), Thomas M. Harris (2), W.H. Harris, Charles L. Harrison, Geo. W. Harrison (16), T.W. Harrison, W.A. Harrison (2), Ira Hart (4), Jacob Hatfield, B.F. Hawkes, H.F. Hawkes (5), Alex Hayes, Henry Haymond (3), Lee Haymond (2), Sidney Haymond, J.M. Haynes, D.C. Heaton, Clark W. Helmick (2), N.D. Helmick (4), Adam Helms, Henry Henderson (3), J. Oliver Henderson, George Henry, James Hervey, C.A. Hewes, D.T. Hewes, Geo. H. Hickman, B.F. Hill, B.H. Hill, Charles W. Hill (3), J.W. Hill, R. Hills, John E. Hoffman, John H. Hoffman, W. Hoffman, Susan A. Holderby, Frank Holliday, W.W. Holmes, Homer A. Holt (CSA documents - QM - Jenkins Cavalry Brigade) - (46 items), Nathan Holt, W.C. Hood, Saml. Hook, India B. Hornbrook, Jacob Hornbrook (3) , S.K. Hornbrook, Thomas Hornbrook (4), Horstmann Brothers (5), W.B. Horton, W.H. Hosack (2), C.M. Hoult, C.F. Howe, John F. Hoy, Edward P. Hudson (7), D. Hull, C. S. Hunley [possibly Hurley or Harley], George W. Hunter, Jno. H. Huntley, Jno. A. Hursey, J.J. Jackson (2), Joseph M. Jackson, H.L. Jeffries, Isaac A. Jenkins, J. Alverson Jenkins, William Jenkins, Albert Jewell (2), Hellen C. Jewell, P.A. Johns, Daniel D. Johnson, Henry Johnson (2) I.E. Johnson, Peter Johnson, W.P. Johnson,, A.B. Jones, William N. Jones, D.J. Keeney, J.C. Keeton, Benjamin F. Kelley (9), Benjamin F. Kelley Jr. (7), James Kelley, J.G. Kelley (2), James R. Kelly, W.D. Kelly, Martin Kelley, J.C. Kelson, J.C. Kelton, A.F. Kendall (10), O.B. Kerlin (8), W. Scott Ketchum, Henry C. Kimberland (2), Dixon R. King, Jeremiah King, R.A. King, John Kirker, Jno. B. Klunk, E.C. Knapp, Jack Koontz (2), August Korpal, L. Kramer, S.E.B. Kramer, Michael Kraus [Kauns?] (3), J. Laidley, John Laidley, James H. Lambert, M.M. Laughlin (17), M.P. Lawrence, Samuel Lee, Frederick Lemons, G.R. Leonard (2), William Lewis, J.A.J. Lightburn, Edward Lindner (2), D.W. Lindsey, Wm. Littleboy (2), J.B. Lochart, T.H. Logan (2), O.M. Loomis, Geo. S. Lord (2), Lott & Stone (3), H. Lott, R.B. Lott (2), C.H. Love, Lewis Lusher, Ralph Lute (4), Michael Lynn, George Madison, Valentine Malvern, A.E.B. Mann, L.M. Marsh (2),x Robert Marshal, M.M. Martin, Roman Martin, Thomas Martin (2), T.A. Maulsby, H.B. Maupin (2), A. Mayer, B. Mayer, Chas. H. McCafferty, James McCollough & Peter Conway, J. Lee McComas, James McCorkle, J.B. McCormick (2), Saml. P. McCormick (2), J P.H. McCullough, B.F. McCune, John R. McCutcheon, Hutchinson McDaniel (2), Angus W. McDonald, Isiah B. McDonald (4), John T. McDonald, Allan A. McGinnis, B.D. McGinnis, George M. McGown (14), David McGregor, David McGregor (4), W.A. McGrew (2), William V. McKean, B.F. McKehan, William McKenna, H.B. McKinney, James McKinney, Wm. P. McKinney, D.H. McPhail (2), Steinrod McVickers, Jno. R. Meigs, Montgomery Meigs (2), Thayer Melvin (2), Nathan B. Menken, Richard Miers, Wm. W. Miller, Samuel Mills, C. Mollohan (3), G. Monroe, Augustus Moor, E.W.S. Moore, Jasper Moore, W.H. Moore, Geo. W. Moredock, Eliza Morey (2), A.S.M. Morgan (2), Elisha Morgan (3), Jonathan R. Morgan,, Emily Morris, W.H. Morris & J.C. McCallister, W.W. Morrow (2), John Muir, Thos. D. Murrin, Z. Musgrave (6), W.H. Nash (14), Floyd Neely, O. Nellis, C.D. Nesmith, W.A. Nichols, R.S. Northcott (2), Edward P. Norton, E.M. Norton, C.N. Nutter, James Oakes, Joseph O'Neil (4), Jas. C. Ort, Geo. H. Palmer, F.M. Parker, Cornelius & Joseph Parsons, Lewis B. Parsons, S. Parsons, Wm. W. Parsons, F.H. Peirpoint (11), F.P. Peirpoint (4), N. Peirpoint, C.D. Pennebaker (2), Robert Peppers (2), Charles A. Perrine, Alex Perry (4), Joshua Pew, Benjamin Phares, R.H. Phelan, John M. Phelps, Vincent Phelps (3), Fielding Phillips, R. Pierce, Edward Planky, D. Polsley (3), Martin Post, Wm. D. Posten (2), Barna Powell, Josiah Powell, W.H. Powell, David Prince, Frank W. Purinton, Levi H. Queen, Rader & Armstrong, George D. Ramsey (3), H.B. Reese (2), Robert Reid, Thomas Reitz, H. Resley, Archibald Reynolds, John Reynolds, Robert Reynolds, William D, Richards, C,B. Richardson, James L. Richardson, J.M. Richardson, James W. Ripley (7), Daniel G. Roberts, H.L. Roberts, J.B. Robinson, John M. Robinson, Daniel Rorabaugh, W.H. Rose, John Ross, Thomas Ross, Howard Rouse, Isaac Roy, George D. Ruggles, Jas. S. Ruggles, Thos. J. Ruggles, A. L. Russell, S.M. Russell, J.A. Sabin, H.J. Samuels (9), W.R. Samuels, N.L. Sargent, C. Sarkett, E.P. Scammon, E. Scott, A.J. Seamonds, G.A. Sexton, George Shafer, James H. Shafer, S.N. Sherman (3), M.L. Shore, H.H. Showacre, J.H. Showalter, Daniel Shriver, Gen. Sibley, F. Sigel, J.J. Sigler, J.L. Simpson, F.R. Sinclair, Singerly & Myers, G. Slack (4), Charles J. Smith, D. Smith, D.H. Smith, Geo. B. Smith (3), Henry W. Smith, H.R.W Smith, James A. Smith, J.R. Smith, L.H. Smith (& H. Hagans), P.S, Smith (2), R. Smith,Hiram G. Snider, Joseph Snider, D.L. Snodgrass, Sampson Snyder - Pendleton & Randolph counties (5), Thomas S. Spates (2), E.J. Spaulding, Hurston Spurlock, Jesse Spurlock (3), M.H. Stacey (20x), Edward M. Stanton (2), Benjamin F. Stewart, Robert Stewart, R.S. Stewart (2), Clifford Stickney, B.B. Stone (6), Henry Stone, James L. Stone, E.T. Stout, David H. Strother (2), Stephen Strother, C. Stuart, J. Sturm & J.L. Shinn, J. Symington, Nathan H, Taft (2), Adam Tait, Dan. Taliafero, Lewis Taylor, Joseph Thoburn, Mrs. Col. Thoburn, Adj. Gen. Thomas, Elisha Thomas , L. Thomas (2), Elizabeth Thompson, John C. Thompson, M. Thompson (3), Thomas Thornburg (3), Scott Thruston (2), Geo. W. Tippett (2), Wm. H. Tomlinson (2), E.W. Tower, E.D. Townsend, Albert Tracy (2), R. Dawson Trimble, John Triplett, E.C. Trowbridge (2), Tryon & Brothers, Frank G. Tullings, H. Turner, Unknown, D.H. Valentine (rebel lettter), Jos. Vance, Wm. VanCleve, Samuel C. Vanlan, C.S. Van Norden (3), H. (or D.) Vay (2), Andrew J. Vickers, Samuel A. Walker, W.D. Walker, George T. Walton, Robert J. Ward, T.A. Warthen, James O. Watson, Geo. B. Way, James Webb, Warren Webster, D.L. Wells (5), J.G. West, P.G. West, Henry Westfall, R.C. Weston, Jas. C. Wetmore, Lewis Wetzel, J.E. Wharton (2), James S. Wheat, G. Wheaton, A.P. Wheeler, Jos. C. Wheeler (15), Francis M. White, R.H.R. Whiteley (2), James Whittingham (3), John G. Wiedeman, Charles Wilgus (2), W.T. Willey, C.A. Williams,, E. Williams (3), John Williams, John S. Williams, R. Williams, C.M. Williamson (2), A. Wilson, J.M. Wilson, W.F. Wilson, L.M. Wolcott, James Woodrum, D.W, Woolf, James Woods, J.H.H. Woodward, J.J. Woodward, Z.T. Woodyard/Woodward, William N. Worthington, Horatio G. Wright (3), Samuel Yates, James R. Yeakle (2), L.E. Yorke (7), Daniel J. Young, John L. Zeigler (2).

Restrictions: The Archives does not currently have the necessary equipment to make proper photostatic copies of oversized items such as muster rolls and order, descriptive, and clothing books. Staff may determine whether an item is too large and/or too fragile to copy.

Union Regiments

West Virginia Archives and History