Moorefield Examiner
October 10, 1912
Confederate Reunion
A good attendance of the old heroes of the Confederacy, lavish hospitality, the cheering presence of sons and daughters of Confederate soldiers, good music, eloquent addresses, the renewal of wartime friendships and good will for everybody marked the Annual Reunion of the W. Va. Division of Confederate Veterans at Moorefield, Wednesday, Oct 9, 1912
About 150 Veterans attended. A reception committee assigned them homes Every veteran was made comfortable, the homes of our people being opened to those attending.
The meetings were held in Inskeep Hall, Rev. Dr Brooke, of Romney, opened the meeting with prayer, at 10 o'clock a. m. Rev. Dr J W Duffey, of Winchester, delivered the address of Welcome, taking the place of the late Benj Dailey. Dr. Duffey paid all the courteous rites hospitality could claim and paid a beautiful tribute to the one whose place he was asked to fill.
The response on behalf of the Veterans was made by Col Robt White, of Wheeling, Commander of the W. Va. Division Col White's address was very impressive full of high thought and love for the past. Short talks were made by Col Ferguson, Col Alderson and others
Capt. Lee, who was to have been here was prevented on account of sickness and the anual address to the veterans was delivered by Rev Dr Brooke, of Romney Touching the tender cords of the past, he dwelt tenderly and proudly up them Dr Brooke has talked to his old comrades before and knows exactly how to interest and please them.
After the address the general routine of business was taken up and the following officers were elected:
Mag Gen. Chas S. Peyton, of Ronceverte, Commander W. Va., Division U. C. V.
Col. A. C. L. Gatewood, of Linwood, was, elected Brig General First Brigade
Brig. Gen. Wayne P Ferguson, of Kenova, re elected Brig. Gen. Second Brigade
Col. Robt White, who has been commander for 17 years was relieved at his own request and elected Major General for life.
At 8 o'clock p. m., the meeting was called to order in Inskeep Hall and Hon Ignatius Brennan, of Wheeling, was introduced, and entertained the old veterans and large audience, with recitations, jokes, &c. Mr. Brennan is a master of the art of entertaining and he had his audience in a roar at all times. Congressman Brown and Hon. W. D. Zinn, candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture, were introduced and made short talks.
Huntington was selected as the next place of meeting
Many flattering remarks were lavished on Moorefield by her visitors, not only because of her generous hospitality, but on her handsome buildings and other tokens of her progressiveness and prosperity.
The following resolutions was passed;
Moorefield Reunion
Oct 9, 1912.
W. Va, Division United Confederate Veterans.
Whereas, the Ladies, Veterans, Sons of Veterans and citizens of the Town of Moorefield and County of Hardy and the beautiful South Branch Valley, have graciously given us the most hospitable entertainment ever extended to this Division at any of our Reunions, which is gratefully appreciated by the Confederate Veterans, Sons of Veterans, their wives and daughters here assembled; Therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the heartfelt thanks of this Division is expressed with true and loyal devotion and unanimously tendered to the Ladies, Veterans, Sons of Veterans and Citizens of this patriotic town, county and God blessed South Branch Valley, for their unsurpassed kindness and royal hospitality they have bestowed with open hearts and open hands.
We hope to publish next week a list of the veterans present and other resolutions adopted.
All told it was a glorious meeting.