Newspaper Articles

Charleston Gazette
January 14, 1960

Kennedy's Brother Here

Solon May Try W. Va. Primary

By Don Marsh
Staff Writer

Sen. John M. Kennedy's brother said in Charleston Wednesday that he thought the Massachusetts Democrat has "some good friends, some good supporters" in West Virginia.

Edward (Ted) Kennedy, who has been touring the state on his brother's behalf since Monday, said his visit would help the senator decide whether to enter the West Virginia primary.

"West Virginia has got a diversified type of society, socially, and economically as well, which we're interested in; and I think in this respect it presents a good opportunity to present a candidacy," Kennedy said.

"We believe it is important and we believe that throughout the country people will be looking to see who the people of West Virginia think will best be able to solve their problems."

The younger Kennedy, who bears a strong resemblance to his older brother, said he had visited 16 other states in the senator's behalf, said campaign workers are "generally optimistic."

"A great deal of work has to be done," he continued. "We intend, of course, to conduct a very vigorous campaign. I think that Jack ahs got support in every section of the country."

He said he believed this was true because many people had concluded that his brother decided issues on their merit and owed no alliance to special interest groups.

He said that he had heard the religious question discussed at length (both he and his brother are Catholic) and he said he thought it would be a factor in the election but not a definitive one.

"We firmly believe," he said, "that the people throughout the country, are going to decide who they vote for on the basis of issues the man represents and not where he goes to church on Sunday."

He said it was impossible to assess his brother's rivals because "I think each of the people who have been mentioned have strength in different parts of the country. A man who might be the strongest opposition in one place might not be in another."

He said, in answer to a question, that Adlai Stevenson will "certainly have a significant voice at the convention."

"Of course, Jack has been a great admirer of Gov. Stevenson. In '52, he supported him vigorously and in '56 he made the nominating speech for him. He spoke more than any other senator on behalf of the Democratic Party and Gov. Stevenson so you can see he's got a great admiration and respect for him."

Kennedy, who plans to return to Washington Sunday was accompanied to Charleston by Robert McDonough of Parkersburg, executive secretary of the state's Kennedy for President committee.

The senator's brother said that the group might open an office in the state later but he added it would probably depend on whether Sen. Kennedy decided to take part in the primary.

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