Newspaper Articles

Webster Republican
April 6, 1960

Arrangements have been made for the Democratic rally in the Court House this coming Tuesday, April 12th.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., the main speaker, is expected to arrive in town about 6:30 P.M. and will be escorted from the Monongahela Power Company Building on Baker's Island to the Court House. The Webster Springs High School Band and honor guard will feature the parade.

Time for the meeting has been set at 7:00 P.M. and it is hoped that Mr. Roosevelt can arrive a little earlier than scheduled and have an opportunity to meet with the people personally.

D. P. "Jake" Hines, County Chairman will be in charge of the program, which will begin at 7 pm. All candidates for local office are urged to be present. They will be introduced to the crowd by State Senator E.H. "Hans" McCourt. Hon. W.S. Wysong, former Attorney General, will introduce the main speaker.

Mr. Roosevelt, son of an illustrious father, is a forceful speaker whose appearance is expected to create great interest and fill the court room to capacity. In addition to speaker on matters of general interest, he will advocate support of Senator John F. Kennedy as nominee for President, on whose behalf he has been an active campaigner.

The program is in charge of the local committee, which hopes that conflicting arrangements as reported by out-of-county papers will be clarified by this announcement.

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