Newspaper Articles

Roane County Reporter
April 7, 1960

Democratic Rally Is Set Wednesday

Roane County Democrats will be hosts to party candidates of the county and state on Wednesday April 13 at a covered dish dinner to be held in the Spencer elementary school cafeteria at 6:30 p.m.

At the top of the heap on the state level will be the three aspirants for the nomination for governor - Attorney General H.W. Barron, Hulett C. Smith and Orel J. Skeen.

Troy Chandler Democratic county chairman said that invitations were sent to the party's presidential aspirants who have entered the West Virginia primary and there is a strong possibility that U.S. Senator Hubert Humphrey will be on hand.

He added that prior commitments probably would prevent U.S. Senator John Kennedy D-Mass. from being present.

Chandler said there world be no main speaker at the dinner but that all candidates present would be given the opportunity of making a two minute talk.

"This will be an opportunity for Roane citizens to meet and talk with our candidates" Chandler commented.

Ham, coffee, rolls, butter and like items will be furnished by the committee. Women of the party are being asked to bring covered dishes as follows. Those from Smithfield district as well as Geary, pies; Walton and Harper, beans; Reedy and Curtis, slaw or salad; Spencer district, scalloped potatoes and relishes.

Because of the interest being shown party official said this will likely be one of the largest Democratic gatherings ever held in Roane county.

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