Newspaper Articles

Grafton Sentinel
April 20, 1960

Mrs. Muriel Humphrey Visits Club; Compare West Virginia-Minnesota

"Is West Virginia a dying state?"

"West Virginia is in many respects like our Minnesota - good in some areas and depressed in others."

These were topics talked of and discussed before Grafton Kiwanians last evening meeting at Cozy Rest Restaurant by Miss Jane L. Evans, representing the West Virginia University Awareness Commission and Mrs. Hubert Humphrey, campaigning wife of the Senator from Minnesota.

Muriel Humphrey, 48, and blue-eyed, informally talked of her new approach to campaigning that she introduced in the recent Wisconsin primary and has followed in meeting all the people possible in West Virginia. The people here, she said, are very friendly and despite the depressed areas they can still smile there. She compared the southern West Virginia coal fields with the iron mines of Minnesota which like coal has been worked out in many areas.

Mrs. Humphrey, accompanied by two of her sons and Mrs. Virginia Myles, of Fayetteville, told of working her way from Charleston to Clarksburg and Grafton with stops anywhere she could meet people including small restaurants and country stores. Traveling in her station wagon she refers to as "the coffee wagon" she said[.] "Coffee - it is a nice way to get acquainted. People like to drink coffee and chat."

Seeing West Virginia, all of it, has impressed Mrs. Humphrey and she said the Easter vacation of her two sons had proved very fine education for they had made new friends and for 15-year-old Robert and 12-year-old Doug they had become interested campaigners and now could appreciate the grueling pace set by their parents.

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