Newspaper Articles

Belington News
April 27, 1960

Minn. Lt. Governor Is Belington Visitor

Lt. Governor Karl Rolvaag of Minnesota was in Belington, Tuesday morning, campaigning on behalf of Senator Hubert Humphrey, presidential candidate in the May 10 primary.

Rolvaag arrived at around 9:30 a.m., and was greeted at the intersection of U. S. 250 and 92 by city policeman, Gary Fitzwater, William R. Woodford and E. C. Price, local residents.

His first stop was at the office of the Belington News. He then made a brief hand-shaking tour of the town, talking with residents and businessman [sic].

In his interview with Mrs. Everson at the Belington News office he stated that he thought the West Virginia campaign was of national significance and was being followed closely by the national press. He added that he felt the Democrats would sweep the nation this fall, and that Senator Humphrey was the man most qualified to wage a campaign against Vice-President Richard Nixon.

Rolvaag was scheduled to make a brief stop in Junior, and then journey to Elkins and made a total of some 10 brief stops in the various town[s] throughout the day. He was in Clarksburg on Monday where he gave a radio interview and then made an address to the Harrison County AFL CIO community services during the evening.

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