Bob Kennedy Coming to Elkins Tomorrow to Boost 'Big Brother'
Randolph County's Kennedy -for- President Committee today is putting final touches on plans for the arrival of Bob Kennedy, Sen. John Kennedy's famed attorney brother.
Bob Kennedy is coming into Randolph County tomorrow on behalf of the candidacy of his Senator brother, John F. Kennedy, who is a candidate for president of the United States in West Virginia's primary election and is seeking the Democratic nod to carry that party's banner for the 1960 general election in November.
Bob Kennedy's arrival at Elkins will be at 11:40 a.m. at the Elkins-Randolph County Airport. His schedule calls for him to come immediately to downtown Elkins and spend approximately 30 minutes. He will meet and greet all who are on hand.
The city's distinguished visitor will then tour as many of Elkins' industrial establishments as time will permit. He will wind up his Elkins campaign at the Evans Stockyards where he will have lunch with the area's rural citizens and will discuss with them the issues of his brother's campaign regarding livestock and agriculture problems.
A Kennedy aide here said that every minute available will be added to Kennedy's visit to the local stockyards and that his visit there will give an excellent opportunity to everyone to meet and shake hands with the Kennedy campaigner.
Bob Kennedy's visit to Elkins will mark the second major personality to visit the area on behalf of Sen. Kennedy's campaign for president. Approximately two weeks ago, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr., was a visitor in Elkins on behalf of the Democratic presidential hopeful.
Kennedy backers stated here today that West Virginia's May 10 primary election is a major step for the Massachusetts Senator, whose ambition is to head the Democratic Party's ticket in November, 1960.
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