Newspaper Articles

Huntington Advertiser
April 28, 1960

Ex-Episcopal Bishop Endorses Kennedy

Charles Town, W. Va. (AP) - The former Episcopal bishop of West Virginia says he would have no hesitancy in voting for Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass), a Roman Catholic in the coming presidential campaign.

"I am extremely grateful to the bishop," Kennedy said later. "I think his statement will make it easier for us now to move to a discussion of the real issues facing West Virginia and the nation."

The endorsement of Dr. Robert E. Strider of nearby Leetown was released early today by his son-in-law, Ray Niblack. Dr. Strider was bishop of West Virginia for 32 years. He retired in 1955 and is now 72.

Impressed By Candidate

Niblack, acting as spokesman for Dr. Strider, said the bishop told Kennedy he was "profoundly impressed with the forthright manner in which you have handled this (religious) issue. You have left no doubt in my mind concerning your loyalty to the constitution of the United State which would prohibit any church influence in the discharge of your duties as president."

He said the bishop added this statement:

"I believe the senator (Kennedy) is a man of exceptional high character and his ware record and his record in the U. S. Senate certainly are testimony to that.

"On the major religious questions of birth control, the possibility of an ambassador to the Vatican and aid to parochial schools, the senator has given answers I feel should allay any fears concerning church influence on him as president."

Humphrey To Make 7 Area Stops

Senator Hubert Humphrey will visit seven towns and cities in this area tomorrow on his campaign tour of West Virginia.

He will leave Charleston tomorrow morning, and after a stop in St. Albans, arrive in Hurricane at 9:30 a. m. where he will greet citizens.

At 10 a. m. he will arrive in Milton to be met by Fire Chief and former Mayor Richard Bias; Democratic Committeeman Sly Sanders, Committeewoman Mrs. Nina Summers and a citizens group.

The Minnesota senator will arrive in Barboursville at 11 a. m. where he will be met by James Brady, Jr. and a citizens group. Tours of streets in both Milton and Barboursville are scheduled.

He will leave Barboursville at noon and reach Huntington at 12:20 p. m. for a reception at Humphrey for president headquarters, 1025 Third avenue. Arrangements are in charge of Norman Rood, county chairman of the Humphrey committee and George Henderson Jr.

After an informal private luncheon with staff members, he will leave at 2 p. m. for Hamlin, to be greeted by Circuit Court Clerk George Chandler, and Prosecutor R. A. Woodall for a street tour.

Senator Humphrey leaves Hamlin at 3:30 p. m. for Chapmanville for a 15-minute visit lasting until 4:45 p. m. when he leaves for Logan. He will be greeted in Logan by County Chairman Raymond Chafin. A private dinner is scheduled for 6 p. m. at the Aracoma Hotel. Mrs. Humphrey will join the senator in Logan.

At 8 p. m. he will speak at the Logan county court house. Arrangements are in charge of Judge C. C. Chambers, Thomas Childers and William Turley. He leaves at 9:30 p. m. for Beckley where he will stay overnight.

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