Newspaper Articles

Point Pleasant Register
May 3, 1960

Sen. Humphrey Visits Tomorrow In Henderson

Big doin's are scheduled tomorrow for the small suburban town of Henderson on the outskirts of Point Pleasant! Not only will one of the most famous of ole time river showboats leave her home port of Henderson for her new home in Indiana but one of the nation's most newsworthy political figures will make it the stop over point for one of his campaign talks.

Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, candidate for the nomination to the presidency of the U.S., on the Democratic ticket, will be a visitor at Henderson tomorrow. Sen. Humphrey is scheduled to leave Huntington at 7:45 a.m. by bus, and will be met at the Cabell-Mason County line by Mason County Sheriff Earl Mohr, Henderson Democratic Chairman, Vallie Toney and other citizens from the County. He is slated to arrive at Henderson at 9:00 a.m. where he will speak at the launching ceremonies planned for the final departure of the Showboat Majestic, which leaves for it's [sic] new home port in Indiana.

A parade has been planned for the launching-speaking ceremony and will begin at the end of the Shadle bridge and proceed to the Henderson riverside where Sen. Humphrey will address the gathering.

Against a backdrop of calli[o]pe music played by Chet Haddox, Mason County Music Supervisor, Sen. Humphrey will have an opportunity to view the parade, the launching of the Showboat and he will also see Tu-Endie-Wei Park. His campaign bus is scheduled to leave Point Pleasant at 10:15 a.m.

An excursion boat has been provided in order that passengers might ride as far as Gallipolis for $1.00 when the Majestic leaves Henderson.

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