Newspaper Articles

Fayette Tribune

October 20, 1960

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Draws Large Crowds In Fayette County

Large crowds turned out in Fayette county yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) to welcome Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the First Lady of the World, who was campaigning in West Virginia yesterday in behalf of the Presidential nominee, John Kennedy.

In fact Mrs. Roosevelt's caravan moved so quickly through this section that many people did not have the opportunity to see this woman who played such a prominent part in her late husband's great career. Mrs. Roosevelt of course was the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, loved by most Fayette countians as the greatest President of all time.

Although her caravan hit Fayette county later than scheduled, hundreds gathered in front of Mt. Hope elementary school at Mt. Hope to hear and see this lady. They cheered her words. She talked approximately five minutes at Mt. Hope.

At Oak Hill with hundreds viewing the appearance of this famous woman, she hardly had said, Senator Kennedy is "an intelligent young man who seems to know the solutions," when rain began to pour. The top to her convertible was quickly put down, and Mrs. Roosevelt had to be rushed on to her next stop at Fayetteville.

While hundred looked on, others had left because the caravan was so late. Nevertheless, many braved the threat[en]ing weather to get a glimpse of this wonderful lady.

Sheriff A. H. Buchanan, County Chairman Carl Vickers, and Democrat sheriff nominee, Pearlie Elmore, were on hand to greet Mrs. Roosevelt at the Fayette-Raleigh line. A large caravan from Raleigh County escorted Mrs. Roosevelt to Fayette county.

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