Battle of Bulltown

Official Records
Series I, Volume 29, Part 1

OCTOBER 13, 1863.-Skirmish at Bulltown, W. Va.

Report of Captain William H. Mattingly, Sixth West Virginia Infantry.

BULLTOWN, October 13, 1863.

SIR: We were attacked this morning at 4.30 o'clock by Colonel William L. Jackson, with about 1,000 men and two pieces of artillery. They charged our fortifications on the northeast side. We fell back to our man fortification. They pursued us until within a few yards of them handsomely, with a los of not less than 50 killed and wounded. They then sent us a flag of true, ordering us to surrender. I told them to come and take us. They continued fighting until 4.30 o'clock this evening, when they retreated. We gave them 9 of their killed, who were in our line.

We have taken 1 lieutenant and 1 private, who are badly wounded. We captured 2 privates, but they are not wounded. Our casualties are myself, wounded (it is though mortally) in the thigh, the bone being badly broken, early in the action. You will send by all possible dispatch a surgeon; send best that you can. Send re-enforcements and ammunition.

Rebels withdrew in the direction of Sutton. Prisoners say they were expecting General Jenkins to assist.

Captain, Commanding United States Forces.

Brigade Commander, Clarksburg.

Civil War

West Virginia Archives and History