
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 7, 1862

Point Pleasant Register
June 19, 1862

Head Quarters.

Camp Ravenswood,
June 7, 1862.

The bogus Southern Confederacy having inaugurated a guerrilla war in Western Virginia, --a warefare [sic] which is alike inhuman and disgraceful to the civilization of the age,--I deem it my duty to promulgate the following Order, that all concerned may understand the course I intend to pursue.

1.All persons found in arms, in the County of Jackson known as Moccasin or Mountain Rangers, will be shot in pursuance of the order of the Commanding General of this Department. It will be no protection to such persons that they may have or claim to have, authority from either John Letcher, Jefferson Davis, or any other person in the interest of the aforesaid bogus Southern Confederacy, to do any of the unlawful acts for which they are banded togeth[e]r.

2. If any person holding office either under the restored Government at Wheeling or that of the United States, shall be molested in their persons or property by any of the aforesaid marauders, besides incurring upon themselves (the said Moccasins or Rangers) the penalty of death, it will subject to arrest and being held as hostages, all of the old officers or other persons who voted for the Ordinance of Secession.

3. If the persons or property of any Union man, woman or child shall be molested or in anywise injured by any of the aforesaid marauders, or by any person sympathizing with the aforesaid bogus Southern Confederacy, a number of secessionists equal to five of such persons so injured or molested as aforesaid, will be seized and made to respond for all damages, life for life, and by five times the amount of property destroyed or stolen.

4. All persons harboring sympathizing with, conceiling [sic], or siding by information or otherwise, any Moccasin or Mountain Ranger within the County of Jackson, or knowing of their presence in any locality in said County, and no immediately giving information to the Commandant of this Post, will be treated as Moccasins or Rangers themselves. And any person giving information calculated to abet the Rebellion or those engaged in it will be arrested forthwith and treated as spies. No person will be allowed to advocate the doctrine of Secession, or to speak offensively either of the restored Government at Wheelling [sic], or of the Government of the United States.

5. For the killing maiming or wounding of any Union Soldier, man, woman or child, or the destruction of property, public or private, within this County, I shall hold known Secessionists responsible therefor.

It is within the power of the restored Government of Virginia to vindicate the laws and protect the li8ves and property of the people. And I call upon all who would see law and order restored in our midst, to be active and vigilant in reporting these Headquarters any infractions of law or of this Order, and measures will be promptly taken to punish the offender, or offenders.

D. R. King

Commanding United States forces at Ravenswood.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1862

West Virginia Archives and History