
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 29, 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 2, 1864

Rebel Mail Carrier Sentenced to the Penitentiary. - On Friday Miss Sallie Pollack, a resident of Cumberland, Maryland, arrived in this city, under charge of Lieut. Neidart, of the Sixth W.Va. Infantry, she having been sentenced to imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary, at Allegheny city, until the conclusion of the war. Capt. Birmingham, of that institution, refused to receive the prisoner unless she was subjected to the regular prison discipline. The Lieutenant refused to deliver up the prisoner under these conditions, and she was given into the custody of Captain Wright to await orders from Gen. Sigel. She is accordingly under guard at the Girard House, Pittsburgh.

The prisoner was convicted before a military commission held in Cumberland, Md., on the 11th inst., of being a rebel mail carrier, and was sentenced to be confined in the Western Penitentiary during the continuance of the war. She is apparently very intelligent, and is well posted in relation to the movements of troops in West Virginia. The prisoner is said to be in very poor health, and is accompanied by a lady, who intended to wait on her during her imprisonment in the Penitentiary. It is probable that she will be transferred to the female prison in Massachusetts.

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 3, 1864

The Secesh Letter Carrier - Miss Sallie Pollock, the young and interesting Secesh Mail Carrier, and her ______________nurse, Miss Sargeant, of whom we made mention yesterday, are still sojourning at the Girard House, Pittsburgh, under the charge of Capt. Wright, Provost Marshal. The Pittsburgh Commercial says that "up to Sunday evening no orders had been received from Gen. Sigel, altering or mitigating her sentence to the Penitentiary. We were promised some rich developments in relation to this case as soon as they can properly be made public. We may state in the meantime that both Miss Pollock and Miss Sargeant are of Pennsylvania extraction, and have respectable and wealthy connections in an adjoining country, who are perhaps, not aware of the unpleasant dilemma in which they are at present placed."

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1864

West Virginia Archives and History