
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 29, 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 3, 1864

Capture and Escape of Capt. Barringer. - We learn that Capt. A. V. Barringer, Chief Commissary of Subsistence for this Department, was captured by the rebels on the road between Martinsburgh and Winchester last Friday. The Captain was riding along alone in a buggy, going to Winchester to see Gen. Sigel, when a small scouting party of rebels pounced upon him and made him a prisoner. They robbed him of $300 in greenbacks, stole his valuable gold watch, and were making off with his body, when the rebels were overtaken by a squad of Union soldiers. A skirmish took place, during which Capt. B. made his escape, and reached Cumberland in safety on Sunday morning.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1864

West Virginia Archives and History