
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
December 15, 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
December 15, 1864

The Ladies Soldiers' Aid Society - What It Has Done And What It Deserves - Supper And Festival This Evening. - As most of our readers have already been advised, the Supper and Festival of the Ladies Soldiers' Aid Society takes place at Washington Hall this evening. The ladies have left nothing undone to make the entertainment worthy of the patronage of the public, and it is only necessary to make known the noble cause to which the proceeds are to be devoted in order to secure the attendance and hearty co-operation of every loyal man and woman in the city and vicinity.

The members of the Ladies Soldiers Aid Society deserve all honor and praise for their noble work in the cause of humanity. By a report which one of their number has recently made we learn that the Association has performed within the past two months an immense amount of good and have relieved many pressing wants in the homes of wives and children, in the hospital and in the field. They have contributed to the soldiers and their families large lots of clothing, bandages, canned fruits, and useful and essential articles too numerous to mention. In addition to this the ladies ___ to the great sacrifice of their ease and comfort, given their personal attention to the wants of the soldiers families wherever around in the city. They go about to the families of people who have been blessed with enough and to spare of the world's goods and gather up cast away clothing which they renovate and mend up with their own hands, and seeking the poor and needy distribute the garments thus rendered almost as good as new.

This work, we regret to say, has heretofore been performed by comparatively few of the members of the Association. Originally the Society numbered about one hundred active members, but latterly twenty-five or thirty have had to bear the burthens of the heavy tasks which the wants of the helpless imposed upon them. This is not as it should be. It is the duty of every truly charitable and patriotic lady to assist in this noble work and we hope to find a more universal determination to accomplish more good during the remaining winter months.

It is expected that a handsome sum will be realized for the prosecution of the work this evening, and the ladies expect and ought to receive a generous response to to [sic] their appeals. Tickets may be had at the Music Store of J. B. Meilor, E. Bocking's Drug Store and the Book Store of J. C. Orr & Co.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: December 1864

West Virginia Archives and History