The Distressing Condition of the Union Men out in Tucker County - Letter from Dr. Parsons, Member of the Late Wheeling Convention.
October 12, 1861
Preston county, Oct. 9.
Hon. J. S. Carlile, Wheeling, Va.,
DEAR SIR - I am still an exile here in Preston county, and have been ever since I left the Convention, with the exception of one night, I visited my wife, who is 70 years old, and has been sick since last July a year, and at no time able to be removed. The secesh learned I was in Tucker, and etc getting a mob to hang me, so I fled, and last Wednesday they robbed my store of everything valuable, and on last Saturday night stole a valuable four-year old mare; also one from E. Menear and one from Wm. Marsh. My object in writing to you is to get a company sent to Tucker to protect the Union men. I assured the people if they would vote against secession the Government would protect them, but have been disappointed. Almost all the officers of the county are secessionists. - They prevented an election for Judge, and the high Sheriff says every man who votes for a division of the State he will hang. I have written home to the Union men to all attend the election at St. George and I would meet them there with soldiers. - Now can I get them. If not, let me know, so that I may not endanger the lives of Union men. The Secessionists have a home guard of 60 strong, and they have a mail going twice a week up the dry fork of Cheat to Monterey. Please write me and advise me what is best to be done. Gen'l Kelly promised to send men here as soon as he could, but I fear he will not have them to spare in time for the election. I doubt if any one county has been annoyed as Tucker and none have been so neglected. The Union men are few and disheartened. I am in recept of letters constantly, asking me to try and get aid. But I can do nothing. Please let me hear from you.
Yours, with high regard.
AR 382, Miscellaneous Correspondence, Box 31, WV State Archives
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1861