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Volume 28, Number 2

Summer 2002 cover
The Princess Margy sternwheeler on the Great Kanawha River near Dunbar. Photograph by Michael Keller.

Published by the
Bob Wise, Governor

Department of Arts, Culture and History
Nancy Herholdt, Commissioner

John Lilly, Editor

Kathy Hughes
Assistant Editor

Cornelia Crews Alexander
Circulation Manager

A.C. Designs
Publication Design

Summer 2002

2 Letters from Readers

6 Current Programs*Events*Publications
10 Captain Pete Grassie and the Princess Margy
By Lisa Blake
16 My First Boat
By Charles M. Morrison, Sr.
18 Fidler's Mill
Rediscovering an Upshur County Landmark
By Jeffrey Harper
24 Diving Into History
Pools of the Northern Panhandle
By Katherine M. Jourdan
30 Hollidays Cove Murder Mysetry
By Mary Zwierzchowski
38 Life on the Road
Selling Hardware for Kane & Keyser
By Sharon Wilmoth Harsh
44 Back to the Future
Huntington's Heritage Farm Museum
By Jeanie Prince
50 A Home in Cassity
By Shirley Gower
56 Jake Currence of Cassity
Interview by Shirley Gower
58 Sweet Harmony in Pennsboro
By Torie Knight
64 Sandpaper
By Charles W. Caldwell
67 New Books Available
By Gordon Simmons
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