Union Regiments
5th West Virginia Infantry
Transcribed by Randy Marcum
Field and Staff - John Ziegler - Letters (18 items)
Box 13
Folder 1
Headquarters 5th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry.
Ceredo, Wayne County, Virginia
January 20, 1863
Honorable F. H. Pierpoint
Wheeling, Virginia
Dear Sir,
I would most respectfully recommend to your favorable notice for promotion (to) 2nd Lieutenant James Murphy, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Captain Thomas J. Eving of Company "G" to date January 3, 1863. James P. Waymer, Orderly Sergeant, to fill the position now held by Lieutenant Murphy. Also, William A. Zeigler to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant James D. McBride, to date from January 8, 1863.
Hoping that you'll attend to the above as soon as practicable.
I Remain Your Obedient Servant,
John L. Zeigler
Colonel Commanding, 5th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry.