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Child of the Rebellion: West Virginia Sesquicentennial
Civil War Union Militia Correspondence

Cox's mills Gilmer County Va
March 24th 1862

Mr. Henry J. Samuels adjt General
Dear Sir

Enclosed I send Election Returns Nos 2.3.4. & 5. One company refused to attend at their usual place of holding their company musters according to my Orders. Some who attended uterly refused to into ranks, Said they would only muster under the Orders of John Fetcher who they Say is the rightful Gov,,r of Virginia, nine only obeyed orders and went into ranks. Report No 1. & Sent Some time (?) directed to your offer But have recd. no reply. Or commepions. If it has not been recd ,, Inform me and I Will make out Duplicate certificates and forward them without delay. I have 3 more elections to hold, which will be done as soon as convencent. 3 of the companies Elected rank Sesesh offices in to that is the 2. 3 & 5th the 1st all Union the elected a Union Capt & Lt. the Second Lieutenant is a Sesesh, but quite peasable having taken the Oath to Suport the Constitution & the reconganised government of Va The blanks you Spoke of in your com- munication of the 24th bltino has never come to hand. I think that is all probably Capt. John Varnen (who is Union) can be prevailed to hold to his Commipion. If I had blanks I could prevail on him to do so. I shall hold myself in (?) to obey any orders from you at any time.

Very Respectfully yours to Serve
Philip Cox adjt 165
Regt V.a M.A

Transcription by Stacy Bloss, undergraduate student enrolled in Dr. Billy Joe Peyton's Fall 2010 "Introduction to Public History" at West Virginia State University

Militia Box 05, Folder 1

West Virginia Archives and History