Wood County: H-L
Harmony Grove School. Harmony Grove School William Bennett donated land (H-R6)
Washington Smith on left teacher.
Henry Harris School. 1915. (Henry Harris School ?) First row: Edith Kaufman, Raymond Kaufman, Orville Bloomer, Russell Kaufman, Henry Marlow. Second row: _?_ Wigal, Hazel Bloomer, Muzette Kaufman, Marguerite McDonough, Ed Sellers, Bill
McDonough, Floyd Sellers, Chester Bloomer, Ruth Dayton, Roscoe Kaufman. Third row: Inez Fleak, Nora Bloomer, Bertha
Bloomer, teacher Dale Weser.
Henry Harris School. Henry Harris School, Dist .#7 - Lon Balderson teacher (from
Jesse Allen).
Homewood School. Circa 1900.
Humphrey School. 1940,students exterior to building. (Early 1900's one-room).
Jackson School. Vienna.
Jefferson School. 1103 Plum Street, Parkersburg.
Jefferson School. Parkersburg.
Jerry's Run School. Closed 1932-33.
Kites Run School. Clay District.
Leachtown School. Route 14.
Leachtown School. 1925.
Leafy Glen School. (H-R7-RDC).
Lincoln School. 3010 Murdock Avenue, Parkersburg.
Little Champion School. Little Champion School exterior. Harris Dist. (H-R8
Little Champion School. Students, circa 1911. First row, l to r: Aubra Pyles, Ruth Headley, India Toomey, Iris Toomey, Grace Bonar, Emma Headley. Second row: Lawrence Huffman,Virgil Pyles, Raymond Huffman, Garda Pyles, Art Anderson, Grace Huffman, Fretta Huffman, Edna Anderson, Eva Huffman, Cora Headley, Jessie Headley. Third row: teacher Ada Cornell, Ferring Pyles, Clyde Bonar, Guy Bonar, Ora Huffman, Eska Huffman, Lydia Pyles, Martha Bonar.
Locust Ridge School. 1926, Locust Ridge School, Tygart District, #8. Group of
students beside block facade: Ola Marty, Jane Houser, Lloyd Houser, Virginia Houser, Grace Bibbee,
Hugh Eaton, Neil McVey and Harry Eaton.
Locust Ridge School. Front, l to r: Talma, Lydia and Celia Fankhouser. Back: Sam Woodyard, Lloyd Guinn, Max Wells.
Lone Cedar School. (B-11).
Lowdell School. Built 1887 (H-R7 RDC).
Lowdell School. Lowdell School, Marie Low, teacher, 1919-20.
Lowdell School. March 17, 1916. Front row, l to r: Ferman Stephens, Harmon Stephens, George Stephens, Norma Stephens, unidentified, Claude Buckley, Nora White. Second row: teacher Casel Hale, Gale Anderson, Homer Anderson, _?_ Mills, Austin Stephens, Dean White, Kitty Anderson, CLarence Buckley. Third row: Frank Anderson, Lizzie Anderson, , unidentified,
Lelia Buckley, _?_ White, Joe Anderson, Joe Gruser, Carl Flinn, Luther Sands.
Lubeck School. Primary class, Lubeck School, 4 October 1926.
Lubeck School. Advanced grades, Lubeck School, 4 October 1926.