Wetzel Democrat
Gloria Expresses Gratitude; "The Pleasure is All Our" Says Kiwanis President
September 3, 1925
New Martinsville, Aug. 26.
My dear Mr. Adams:
I am returning to New York tonight, but I am leaving behind me a great affection for New Martinsville and its people and a wealth of gratitude for the wonderful treatment they have accorded me during my visit here.
They made me feel that I was welcome, that they were glad to have me among them, and I feel very grateful and proud that I have been able to inspire such a sentiment.
I have enjoyed every minute of my stay. I have enjoyed more than I can say the beauty of New Martinsville and the gorgeous loveliness of the river and the hills. And, more than all else, I have enjoyed the spirit and the enthusiastic co-operation of the people, who have been of such inestimable help to all of us in our work.
I would like to thank each one individually, but of course I cannot. So I am sending my thanks to you
with a hope that you will make everyone in the city aware of the sincere love and gratitude of
In the name of the Kiwanis Club I wish at this time to express my pleasure over the visit to New
Martinsville of Miss Swanson, Mr. Dwan and the "Stage Struck" company. I know we have all
enjoyed their stay here and I hope they have also enjoyed it. It has been a new experience for us and
we will not soon forget it. If anyone thinks that any credit is due to me personally for the coming of the
company, I wish to disclaim it. I acted as president of the Kiwanis Club and did only what any man in
that position would have done. That we were successful in being selected for the work it is our good
fortune. Let me say for myself and for all the members of the Kiwanis Club, that we have thoroughly
enjoyed the visit of the company and that it is with the most profound regret that we to-day say farewell
to them
Pres. of Kiwanis Club.