BY DR. HARRIET B. JONES To the many persons who have sent in their names as believers in Woman Suffrage and asking that their counties be organized we would like to say, the State Organization is just getting well organized, and it is the intention to have a County President for each county where a woman can be found to take up the work for the purpose of organizing her county, such women preferably living in the county. National organizers will be in the state from time to time and where the County President will take up the matter of public meetings and can use the organizer to advantage, she will be sent for her entertainment and [e]xpenses. Each County President should organize her county as soon as possible, in local organizations first, if that is found to be advisable into magisterial districts and the county. It will be impossible to organize with out someone in a county being willing to take up the work and money must be raised before an organizer can be secured to assist the County President. Men who believe in woman suffrage can help financially if they will and greatly aid by so doing. Suffrage matter will be provided in plate form for every paper that will print it. This is expensive and will require money. Another way to get suffrage matter before the people and keep yourself informed is to subscribe for the Wheeling Advance at a dollar a year. This paper will print a whole page of suffrage matter every week and ten weeks before the campaign ends will use the whole paper. We must get 1,000 subscribers to avali [sic] ourselves of this splendid offer and the subscribers will be able to keep themselves informed in up-to-date news. Send in your subscriptions at once so the work may begin. The newspapers generally throughout the state have endorsed the movement and will use their papers for the cause and help us to win. The papers are our best friends and we want to use them in every way possible. You will want to read all the suffrage news in our own state and in the other states that will vote on it this fall. Look in your paper every week for suffrage news and if it isn't there ask the editor why? If will not be because he cannot get it, for it can be had for the asking. We want every man and woman who believes in woman suffrage to send his or her name to Dr. Harriet B. Jones, Glendale, W. Va. The list is growing but we want it to grow faster, and it will help us to organize the counties faster. If you can suggest a wide-awake woman who is a strong and ardent suffragist, who is a born leader and makes things go that she takes hold of, send her name by all means and send it in a hurry. We want to know all such and quickly.