
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 26, 1861

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
June 29, 1861

Union Meeting in Marshall County.

A meeting was held in Limestone, June 26th, for the purpose of soliciting recruits for the "Carlile Guards," a company now forming at Moundsville for the United States service.

The meeting convened at half past seven o'clock. Phllip Jones was elected President and D. J. Griffith Secretary. A very lengthy and appropriate address was delivered by J. W. McCarriher, Esq., of Moundsville, candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of Marshall county. An address was also made by William Alexander, Esq. At the close of the meeting the Star Spangled Banner was beautifully sung by Mrs. Jane McNabb - music by the "Ellsworth Cadet Martial Band." The home guard company of this place, named "Ellsworth Cadets" anticipate raising a sufficient number of men to be accepted into the United States service. D. J. Griffith was elected Captain, John Smart First Lieutenant and Joseph Leech Second Lieut.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1861

West Virginia Archives and History