
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 18, 1862

Point Pleasant Register
April 24, 1862

Speech of Hon. Samuel Crane.

According to the announcement in our last issue, Hon. Samuel Crane addressed the people of our county, on Friday last, the 18th inst, --that being the first day of the Circuit Court. The speech was most admirable - in fact, just the thing for the occasion. Of the number composing the audience - which was quite large - we noticed a number who has heretofore been ardent, if not active sympathisers[sic] with those in rebellion, and if they were not blinded by prejudice or deaf to reason they cannot be otherwise than convinced of their error. We would like to allude to some of the points of Mr. Crane's argument, which struck us as being peculiarly forcible, but the want of time will not permit. Suffice to say that his clear and concise exposition of the objects of the reorganized and restored State Government, is just what the people throughout the whole Commonwealth ought to hear, and we think Mr. Crane could not do the cause better service, than by speaking at the various important accessible points for the next several months. His speech to our people on last Friday, gave universal satisfaction, and his fine social qualities and gentlemanly bearing won so much upon the esteem of our citizens, that all who were fortunate enough to make his acquaintance, already regard him as an old friend. We love a wholesome, large-hearted, staunch, uncompromising Union man, such as he is, and we hope before many months that we will again have the pleasure of welcoming him again to our county.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1862

West Virginia Archives and History