
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
February 18, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
February 26, 1863

More Captures.

Beverly, Va., Feb. 20, 1862.

Editors Intelligencer:

Lieut. Weaver, of the 2d Va. Infantry, commonly called Rogers - took a little scout on the 18th, in the direction of Seneca, and came in on the 19th bringing with him two of Imboden's horse thieves. So we go; never go out but we bring somebody with a "hang-dog look, and guilty conscience." We have about eleven out of the bushwhackers, and all we get now are those that Imboden or Jenkins send in to steal horses and cattle. They are old cowards themselves and their men are generally of the same stripe.

N. N. H.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: February 1863

West Virginia Archives and History