
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 4, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
June 9, 1863

Arrest Of A Bushwhacker. - The Fairmont National says that Reason K. Fowler, a notorious renegade and rebel bushwhacker, was lodged in the Marion county jail on Thursday last on a charge of stealing a horse from Martin M. Randall, Esq. Fowler left Marion county as a member of Bill Thompson's company, but soon returned to his own neighborhood - the Righter settlement - and commenced waylaying and bushwhacking his old neighbors. While engaged in this business he was captured by a squad of Union soldiers, and through a mistaken policy was turned over to the civil court for trial. Through the influence of certain soft-shelled Union men, who made statements to the effect that he was a "good fellow," and ought not to be punished, as he wouldn't do so any more, he was released and permitted to run at large. He kept himself obscure, probably serving as a rebel spy until the other day when he was arrested in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, with a stolen horse, and representing himself as a refugee fleeing from a rebel raid.

He had a hearing on Thursday before Justice Fleming, who committed him for another hearing before a called court on the 9th inst.

This is another example of the evil results of releasing traitors on pledges of future good behavior.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1863

West Virginia Archives and History