
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 23, 1863

Journal of the House of Delegates

TUESDAY, June 23, 1863.

The House met according to adjournment.

Prayer by Rev. J. L. Clark.

The Speaker presented the following communication:

To the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Delegates of the General Assembly of West Virginia:

GENTLEMEN: At a meeting of the citizens of Wheeling, this June 22d, 1863, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to confer with a joint committee of the two houses of the General Assembly, in relation to the devising ways and meant for placing the city of Wheeling in a proper state of defense, under the orders and direction of the General Commanding the Department of the Monongahela. The committee consists of A. W. Campbell, Esq., Robert Crangle, Esq., E. M. Norton, Esq., and Gen. James S. Wheat.

You are respectfully requested to rais a committee for that purpose.

DR. J. C. Campbell,


The Speaker presented the following communication from the Executive; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Zinn laid upon the table and five thousand copies ordered to be printed:

Boreman Address

A communication from the Senate announced concurrence in the resolution raising a joint committee on State seals, and the appointment on the part of the Senate of Messrs. Farnsworth, Maxwell, and Slack.

Samuel R. Dawson, Delegate from Ritchie county, appeared and was qualified.

Mr. Lamb from the committee on Rules, submitted the report of that committee; which was read and adopted, and on motion of Mr. Kramer, two hundred copies thereof, ordered to be printed.

A message from the Senate announced the passage of the following resolution, and asked concurrence therein:

Resolved, by the Legislature of West Virginia, That the President of the United States be earnestly requested to lay before the War Department the necessity of so extending the Department of the Monongahela, or the Department Army Corps, as to embrace all the counties of West Virginia, and that all persons volunteering in said Army Corps for the purposes and defense for which it was created, shall be exempt from all drafts during the time of such service; and that for the purposes and objects of this resolution, the Governor be requested to forward a copy of the same to his Excellency, the President of the United States.

On motion of Mr. Ruffner, the resolution was laid on the table and made the special order for to-morrow at twelve o'clock, M.

A message from the Senate announced the appointment of the following gentlemen a committee on the part of that body, in response to the memorial of the citizens of Wheeling, relative to the defences of the city: Messrs. Slack, Stevenson, and Bunker.

On motion of Mr. Lamb, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the committee appointed by the Senate: Messrs. Lamb, Sweeney, Michael, Ballard, and Shriver.

On motion of Mr. Ruffner,

Resolved, That the Speaker issue a writ of election for a member of the House of Delegates for the county of Fayette.

By leave, Mr. Ross introduced House Bill No. 4, entitled "A Bill in relation to the taxes for the year 1863, assessed within the several counties, under the laws of the State of Virginia;"which was read a first time and ordered to its second reading; and subsequently, on motion of Mr. Van Winkle, was referred to the committee on Taxation and Finance.

On motion of Mr. Wheat, the House adjourned.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1863

West Virginia Archives and History