
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 24, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
June 25, 1863

RETURN OF A PORTION OF CARLIN's BATTERY. - Yesterday morning our citizens were very much astonished to see riding into the city thirty-two men of Carlin's battery, headed by Capt. Carlin and Lieuts. Chalfant and Richards. They were mounted upon the battery horses upon which they made their escape from the vicinity of Winchester. They came directly from Bedford, Pa, having left that place on Wednesday of last week. They were dusty and travel worn, but, taking everything into consideration, they were in good spirits. They will remain here until new guns can be procured, when they will re-enter the service. The boys all agree that the affair at Winchester, from which they so luckily escaped, was the "huskiest muss ever they were in." Lieut. Theaker, with a portion of the men, is at Harper's Ferry. Gen. Milroy was at Bedford organizing the troops.

Capt. Carlin informs us that his battery fired during the engagement at Winchester upwards of sixteen hundred guns. The boys almost cried when the order came to evacuate and spike the guns which latter job was done most effectually, and the harness was cut into thousands of pieces. At the time of the attack on Monday morning the confusion was terrible, particularly among the teamsters and those who were following the army. Mat Paerrill, who was sent over the lines from this city a month or so ago, was captured during Saturday's engagement. He and Eoff Cunningham, had joined the same company and were engaged in the fight. It is said that Mat did not take his capture very hard. He is supposed to have rather liked it.

Captain Carlin, on his route from Bedford, to this city, could hear of stragglers coming in all the way to Washington, Pa. Infantry, cavalry, artillery and scouts.

John Abuthnot, John Dawnbenmire, Theodore Ruller, Daniel Bilas, Isaac B. Steelman and John I, Maple were in the Hospital at Winchester. Jacob S. Hull and Abram Vernon, were attending upon them. These are doubtless in the hands of the enemy. Alex Frazier, and Geo. W. Rabbit were slightly wounded in Saturday's engagement. Amos Monday got sick on the road between Winchester and Hancock, and was left behind, and probably captured.

Capt. Carlin desires us to state that the friends of the missing battery boys need feel no alarm about their safety. He feels confident that all will yet turn up, and report themselves at this point.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1863

West Virginia Archives and History