ESCAPED.:Night before last two women, Kate Brown and Sarah Coonrod, escaped from the Atheneum. They had been incarcerated here for some four or five months, charged with cutting telegraph wires and giving aid and comfort the enemy. They broke the lock of the prison door, which gave them access to the hall. Here it is supposed they were met by Serg't Charles Wells, a member of Co. H, 19th Pa. Cavalry:who had been in the hospital for some time:who furnished them with soldier over coats and caps. Thus attired, the two women managed to pass the guard and reach the outside of the prison. The authorities have for some time been at a loss to know what to do with these abandoned wretches, and if they will keep out of Western Virginia. It will not only save the Government the expense of feeding and clothing them, but will afford the officers at this point great relief.
After appropriating a number of articles which were lying loose in prison, Welles took his departure, and it is suppoped {sic} he joined the women and repaired to his regiment.
P. S.:The two women returned late last evening, and gave themselves up.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: January 1864