
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 20, 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
October 21, 1864

Meeting at the Union Campaign Clue Rooms - Speech of Gov. Sprague. - A very spirited meeting was held at the Union Campaign Club Rooms last evening. Major McPhail addressed the meeting in a very patriotic strain for a short time when it was announced that Gov. Sprague of Rhode Island was present. The Governor was then introduced and made a brief address. He said he had been travelling for several weeks and was completely worn out. He spoke some very earnest words of encouragement, however, and said in conclusion that if he had inspired the people with one thrill or one emotion to induce them to go on with a firmness or a resolute purpose in the good work, he was amply rewarded for the trouble he had taken to visit the club room.

A. W. Campbell in response to a call responded in a brief address.

The Glee Club entertained the assemblage with several popular songs.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1864

West Virginia Archives and History