
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
July 1861

Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 10, 1861

Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.

Troops En route : Things at the White Sulphur.

White Sulphur Springs, Va., July 7, 1861.

On my way here, a few days ago, I traveled through the counties of Alleghany, Craig, Monroe and Greenbrier, and was informed that from these counties they had sent some very fine companies to the seat of war, while others are now forming and will soon be ready to march to aid in establishing our liberty and independence. Of one thing you may be certain, that the people of this section are thoroughly aroused, and not only ready, but willing to do their duty in this great conflict. All they require is an opportunity to show Lincoln's hirelings how skillfully they can use their favorite and trusty rifles.

Two very substantially equipped companies, the "Invincible" from Pittsylvania, and the "Guards" from Appomattox, numbering in all about two hundred men, under command of Capts. Watson and Talbot, arrived here on the morning of the 4th and pitched their tents for the night. They took up a line of march the following morning for Lewisburg, on their way to join Wise's Legion. The University Volunteers, Captain Crane, with fifty-five men, passed here yesterday for the same destination. They are all fine-looking, intelligent gentlemen, and they are well prepared to undergo the duties incident to camp life, and their friends at home will no doubt hear a good account of them should a favorable opportunity ever present itself.

I arrived at this delightful and picturesque summer resort a few days ago, where I found every preparation being made by the attentive and energetic proprietors for the comfort and enjoyment of health and pleasure-seekers, and as the location is in a lovely valley, hem med in by towering mountains and romantic scenery, and the water having enjoyed an extensive reputation for curing many diseases which flesh is heir to, this of itself is enough to commend it to invalids and others seeking recreation from the causes of business life. The number of visitors here at present is small, and owing to the war excitement I am induced to believe there will be very few people visiting the mountains this season. Many who annually visit this healthy and invigorating section have joined the army, while others there are, I learn, through fear of this section of Virginia being invaded, are debarred from coming. For the benefit of all invalids I will state that there is less danger of invasion in these mountain regions than perhaps in any other portion of the State.

Crops of every description where I have traveled have a very flourishing appearance, especially the wheat, which seems to be unusually good this season and promises an abundant yield. Rambler.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: July 1861

West Virginia Archives and History