
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
July 1864

Wheeling Intelligencer
July 18, 1864

From the 11th W.Va. Regiment.

Martinsburg, July 11th, 1864.
Editors Intelligencer:

I desire, through your columns, to return the thanks of the 11th W.Va. Vols. to the citizens of Racine and the people generally of Meigs county, Ohio living along the route of our march from Racine to Ravenswood, for the kind attention paid the wearied soldiers and for the bounteous supply of provisions furnished by the ladies. After being kept upon flitch and hard tack for so long, the nice white bread, pies, cakes, jellies and other delicacies were very grateful to our palates and wonderfully refreshed the inner man. At Parkersburg the ladies were exceedingly kind and furnished a large number of soldiers with coffee and other refreshments. There seems to be no diminution of the ardor and enthusiasm of the female population of the country, and upon every occasion where the ladies can act for the comfort and welfare of the soldiers they do it with a will.

Our boys are in a good humor to-day. They have just been paid by our very efficient, energetic, and popular paymaster, Major J. W. Seazell. For a while it was doubtful whether the Major would catch up to us, for we were ordered suddenly to pack up at Camp Piatt, and march for Martinsburg, and no breathing spell was allowed us until yesterday. The Major started in pursuit from Charleston, and although the most unfavorable accounts reached us at every point, he overtook us last night and commenced paying the troops assigned him, notwithstanding General Sullivan telegraphed him it was dangerous to come to Martinsburg at that time. The boys say the Major will do to bet on in a long race, as he had travelled over 1200 miles to pay them. Mr. Jacob Hornbrook is also here, and as usual, is interesting himself in behalf of the soldier. He is a very useful man and deserves the gratitude of many a soldier's family. Would to God we had a few more such.

Yours, truly,


Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: July 1864

West Virginia Archives and History