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U. S. Senate Debate
West Virginia Statehood

June 27, 1862

Extracted from the Congressional Globe


The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill now before the Senate is the bill (S. No. 365) providing for the admission of the State of West Virginia into the Union; the pending question being on the amendment moved by the Senator from Massachusetts, [Mr. SUMNER,] on which the yeas and nays have been ordered.

Mr. CLARK. I move that the further consideration of that bill and all prior orders be postponed, and that the Senate now proceed to the consideration of the confiscation bill which we had under discussion before the Senate went into the Court of Impeachment.

Mr. FESSENDEN. I shall not oppose the motion of the Senator from New Hampshire; but I desire to give notice to the Senate that I shall very speedily be obliged to call up the Army appropriation bill.

Mr. CARLILE. Would it be in order to amend the motion of the Senator from New Hampshire by making the bill now under consideration the special order for twelve o'clock on Monday?

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. That will be a separate and distinct question.

Mr. CARLILE. I desire to address the Senate on the amendment submitted by the Senator from Massachusetts, and it will be convenient for me to do so on Monday.

Mr. CLARK. I suggest to the Senator from Virginia that it will be very easy, as a matter of courtesy to him if he desires to speak upon it, to get this bill up at that time. I desire now to have it postponed, so as to take up the confiscation bill, which has been so long under consideration, and which I wish to finish to-day if possible.

Mr. GRIMES. That there may be no misapprehension, I wish to say to the Senator from Virginia that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. HALE] has already given notice to the Senate that he will call up on Monday a bill of considerable importance.

Mr. CLARK. The Senator from Virginia can have almost any time he desires, I suppose.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the motion of the Senator from New Hampshire, to postpone the pending and all prior orders, and that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the confiscation bill.

The motion was agreed to.


June 23 June 26 June 27
July 1 July 7 July 14

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