Source: WV History Film Project
May 1, 1993,
Katherine Whiting Interview, SOUND ROLL
Q: Katherine, I want you to think back to when
you were a young girl on a farm in West Virginia.
Tell me what were the good things about growing up
on a farm?
JJGG 0031
KW: The good things were numerous. The farm was
beautiful. The seasons were extremely interesting,
particularly this time of year in May and April when
the flowers were in bloom, wild flowers were
abundant and the grass was so green. The trees
would be coming in bud and then they would into
bloom and then they would come into leaf. And we'd
have dogwood trees. The pear tree would be in
blossom, the apple tree. And there would be just a
number of birds and the farm animals were more
lively at that time of year. And we just enjoyed being
out in the spring. In winter, we did such interesting
things as ice skating. We had sleds and we enjoyed
being out in the snow, and we built snowmen and the
things that children like to build. And we did a lot of
walking in the snow and there would be a chance to
track a wild animal.
JJGG 0127
There were rabbits and there were squirrels and there
were foxes and all sorts of wild animals on the farm,
and I really preferred the wild animals left in their
own habitat. And it would be easy to learn how to
track. For instance, a rabbit is easily --
Q: There was also a lot of hard work, wasn't
JJGG 0161
KW: Very hard. Very hard. But it was a way of life,
and we knew that in order to produce the vegetables
that we needed for food, to produce the things that the
animals needed so that they could provide us with
food, we had to have food for them. And it was
difficult, for instance, to hoe corn. Corn would be
planted with a hand corn planter. My father would do
this, and it would be maybe three to five grains to a
hill, one for the woodchuck, one for the crow, one for
the weather, and two to grow. So, you had to be sure
you had enough planted at the time, and it would be
two kinds of corn. There would be Regealident?
which was for the animals, and then there would be a
white corn, which we called "bread" corn. And then it
would be necessary to take the corn to the mill at
West Milford. And I often did this. And you would
divide the shelled corn so that it would be able to be
tied to the back of the saddle and half of it would be
one side of the saddle, and half on the other in order to
balance it.
Q: Let me interrupt you, Katherine. Let's cut.
Q: Katherine, you told me on the phone, I want
you to tell me again about how on a farm out here, on
the farm you grew up on, you very self-sufficient.
Everybody had their role, everybody had their tasks,
and the farm was self-contained. Tell me about that
JJGG 0320
KW: Well, it was necessary for us to have our
animals and to raise the crops as I mentioned for the
animals and for food for ourselves. And those of us
who were working with these animals and who
working to help produce the food in the summer, like
the vegetables and the corn, the things that the
animals needed, and to be sure that the hay was taken
care of properly, the meadows were mowed--these
meadows can be mowed twice a year if they start
about May, last of May, around the first of June--so
it's necessary to be sure that everyone is trained and
knows how to take care of these things. And my
grandmother insisted that girls should know how to
do these things because you would need sometime to
be able to supervise. You might not be able to do it
always, you might not want to do it always, but you
needed to know how to do it in order to be
JJGG 0412
And my father would be sure that he had enough food
in the building, the storage building, outside storage
building for his stock, livestock, for winter because
when the snows came and the river was covered with
ice and the roads frozen, it was difficult to get food for
them from the general stores. There were general
stores in the areas of West Milford and in Good Hope
where one could get these things. Then later as he had
a car, he would take the boat across the river, get the
car, which he had in storage in someone's garage on
the other side of the river, take it to the store at Good
Hope. He would get the hundred pound bags of feed
that he needed. He would put those in the car. He
would bring those to the river.
JJGG 0494
He would put the feed from the car into the boat,
return the car to the garage, walk back to the boat, get
down the river in the boat, and bring it to the boat
landing near the house here, within sight of this
building, in sight of this house and then he would
bring the horse and the sled to the river, take the
hundred pound bags of feed, put it in the sled and
carry it to the storage building.
Q: Now when you were -- that's a fascinating
chain just to get a hundred pound of feed --
KW: Yes, he would get several packages of it.
Q: Now when you were a little girl, do you
remember feeling that the world sort of stopped at the
edges of your farm?
JJGG 0558
KW: Well, not quite. We were always going to
church in summer. Now sometimes the weather
prevented this. And if we were out in the cold
weather, we would become ill, and we dressed
Q: Let me ask it in a different way, if you don't
mind me. Did you have a sense that the land around
you, that the land sort of contained your farm,
contained your family?
KW: We were isolated; we felt that we were
Q: Yes.
JJGG 0608
KW: Not necessarily. We had wonderful neighbors
all the way around, on all sides. I just never did feel
isolated. In fact, I liked the privacy. I still do. I don't
like crowds of people, and I avoid them. It was
difficult for me to get adjusted to going to meetings in
groups because I preferred to be isolated. And my
father was an introvert. He liked to stay home and
write and read and do things like this. And of course
sometimes he would feel lonely, and then of course he
was active in his lodge and he was active in his
church when he was able to go. And we did all of
those things. But there were times when the weather
would isolate us, and then we would stay home and
we'd sing songs. We didn't have a piano, but my
mother played guitar. We did a lot of singing. All of
us could sing. We did the things we liked to do at the
farm, and we weren't working, taking care of the
needs of animals.
JJGG 0694
Livestock are difficult to care for and when you have
chickens, geese, ducks, guineas, you have calves to
take care of, cattle, cows, and you have horses, you
need to know how to take care of all of these animals.
Now, I don't like to take care of animals really. I
would much prefer to read and to do some of the
things, and to write, and to do some of those things.
But, then we had to know how to do cooking. And
we needed to know how to take care of preparing the
animal to be cooked. Now, butchering a pig --
Q: Let me interrupt you again. I want to get
back to this --
KW: Isolation?
Q: No, not isolation, this sense of that you said
privacy. Is the land in West Virginia, is it the kind of
land that lends itself to privacy?
JJGG 0773
KW: This farm is, and I get annoyed every time that
anybody comes here with a gun to shoot any kind of
an animal. I have this place posted.
Q: What I mean is: the mountains, the ridges, the
hollers, the land, did you feel that the land protected
you --
KW: Yes, yes I do.
Q: Tell me about that feeling of the land
protecting you.
JJGG 0807
KW: Yes, I feel that the land protects you. And I feel
that these mountains are a protective measure because
when I moved into a place where the land was level, it
seemed endless, and there was a sense of insecurity in
a situation like that. We felt secure with these hills
and with these mountains, and we felt they protected
us from storms. We felt they would protect us from
all kinds of things. And yet there were tornadoes in
this area. A tornado did some very bad damage at
West Milford.
Q: Tell me some more things that the land
protected you from?
JJGG 0870
KW: Well, the land protected us from intrusion by
people that we would not really want to have come.
We were aware that there people who would take
advantage, maybe and would rob us perhaps if they
had an opportunity. But we knew all of the local
people, and we knew who we could depend upon, and
we knew that those people would come to help us if
we just even so much as mentioned that there was
someone ill or if we needed something, there would
be some neighbor who was wonderful, who would
come immediately to our rescue.
Q: Now, is it your understanding that that sense
of helping out and community was the same for your
grandmother and grandfather's people?
KW: Indeed it was, yes and even more so. But then
the transportation even then was worse, more difficult
for them, than it was for me. They went to church
many of them --
Q: Could you say my grandmother and
grandfather went to church -- instead of they?
JJGG 0976
KW: Thank you. My grandfather and grandmother
went to church. They would walk to the old Bethel
Church, which is just across the river from this farm,
to that church up on the hill.
Q: Katherine, tell me why reading and writing and education were so important -- .... tech difficulties....
Q: Katherine, tell me why reading and writing
and education, getting an education, were so
important in your family when you were a child?
JJGG 1040
KW: Because we were expected to get an education.
My grandmother was as educated as she was able to
be in that period of history. And my grandfather and
my great grandfather had excellent hand writing, and
they learned that in these one-room schools in West
Virginia. My grandmother was a school teacher,
teaching a subscription school at the age of sixteen in
Wirt County. She rode horseback through the
wilderness with some of the relatives to get there.
And she did this, and she felt that her children and her
grandchildren should have the best education that was
possible for them to get. And my father, my uncle,
both attended college, Broaddus College, my uncle
attended. And he attended one of the other colleges
here, my father attended West Virginia University
when it was a very small school. He attended Salem
College. He attended Fairmont State Norman,?? it
was called then. Aunt Helen was supposed to become
a music teacher and that's what she became. She
taught music. That was my father's sister.
Q: Now you were home taught?
JJGG 1143
KW: I was home taught because of the weather,
because of the roads, which were unpaved, mud, two
and one half miles of mud in the winter to West
Milford, two and a half miles of mud to Good Hope
to church, and we were home taught. My brother
then could go with me then when we had two children
going to school, and this was difficult. My father
taught me so that I could enter fourth grade with my
class. And I was thinking how difficult it was for him
to hitch our horse, Fred, to the buggy, and take us to
school, two and a half miles to West Milford.
Q: Now stop for just a second.
Q: State that a little bit over again, Katherine.
Tell me how your father home taught you and
prepared you for fourth grade?
JJGG 1222
KW: My father had the books bought for me, the
books that we would need to go to school. And he
wanted me to attend a consolidated school. Our
school at West Milford was consolidated, and in those
days these were districts, union district, was where the
school was located. We live in Grant district, this is
Grant district in Harrison County, and the one room
schools were in this area. The Duck Creek one room
school; the Contrel Hill one room school, but the
distances were about the same. And the Good Hope
school which was about the same distance was in
Union district, but he preferred that we go to the
consolidated school in West Milford, and I shall be
forever grateful to the Board of Education of Grant
district for paying our tuition to permit us to go the
West Milford School.
Q: Tell me what you told me already on the
phone about how your father would take you by
horseback to school and come and pick you up
JJGG 1317
KW: Right. My father would hitch Fred to the buggy,
and he would take us the two and a half miles to West
Milford to school and he would return with the horse
and buggy. That would be a five mile round trip in
the morning. Then at 4 o'clock he would come for us
with the horse and buggy and that would be another
five miles round trip, and that was ten miles a day for
my father and that poor horse and that buggy. And
we learned to do this. Then, later we were able to ride
and take care of the horse ourselves. But we had
cousins who were driving cars, and a motorcycle with
a side car, and they would take us in the weather,
when the weather was favorable in the fall. But then
when the weather became inclement, it was necessary
for us to stay at home and be taught by our father
again. So, this was the way we lived for a year or
JJGG 1406
Now, remember that there were no paved roads on
this side, from West Milford as far as where Water
Smith is now located. Those were all unpaved, and
the road was muddy and we would ride with other
children who lived in the neighborhood and they
would ride horses there. But the children at West
Milford were a bit jealous of us with the horse, and
Fred was a wonderful animal. You would have
enjoyed him. He was white; he was small; he was a
utility horse. He could be used for pulling a sled, he
could be used to pull a plow for grading of a corn
patch or he could be used to pull a cultivator for
cultivating corn. And you had to be a little careful
with him because he needed to have a muzzle over his
face because he loved the tops of the new corn. So,
we had to be just a little bit careful with him, but he
would take care of us.
JJGG 1497
And when he would ride he would keep one ear
toward us, and he would keep the other ear forward,
particularly if a storm were coming. And coming
through the woods here near the house, he would
listen for what was coming ahead. And if a storm was
coming, he would hurry; and then he would have
breathing problems, and then he'd have to stop and
rest a bit. But he was also very careful that he would
listen to what we said to him. We would talk to him
and with that one ear, he would listen to us very
carefully and get us home safely.
Q: It seems like a lot of your memories are about
weather; about rain and what rain produces, which is
mud, and about how the weather affected how you
JJGG 1565
KW: It did, indeed. And we were dependent upon
good weather in order to plant crops; we were
dependent good weather to get where we needed to go
because even if we'd dress warmly and grandmother
would make mittens for our hands to keep us warm,
would knit them. And we would have knitted
toboggans she would make for us to wear on our
heads, and mother would make the warmest kind of
clothing and we would do re-cycling as we call it
now. In those days, we called them hand-to-hand-me
downs or leftovers, but she would take a old coat, an
old woolen coat that someone had discarded and she
would make that into an overcoat for my brother.
And I would have clothing which was made over and
they were warm and comfortable. And we felt
comfortable, but when you sit on a horse and ride for
two and a half hours, with the rain pouring, and your
clothing would become wet, and then you would sit in
the classroom, and they would dry out until about 4
o'clock and you're ready to go back home.
JJGG 1661
So you hope by that time the rain was over. And one
time I remember we got so wet and our neighbor who
was riding with us that day, and another with her, we
stopped where she had her horse kept in a stable on
this side of the river. And we had our horse in the
stable on this side of the river also because the boys
were jealous and would throw rocks at him and
hoping they, he would cause us to have an accident,
maybe be thrown off the bridge. We don't know this.
But we had to keep our horse on this side of the river
in a stable owned by a cousin. So, this lady who had
this neighbor's horse and who was taking care of that
for her said "You children are too cold and wet to go
to school today; you're going to stay here. I will find
you some warm clothing and I will get your clothing
dry so that you can go home when I get them dry, but
you can't go to school with this clothing." And so
that's what she did. So we stayed there.
Q: Now when you were a child you did chores
on the farm by hand, the same way really that chores
that were done in the 1880's or 1890's. Tell me about
JJGG 1773
KW: That's true. We hoed corn. Now we could take
the, my father could take the horse and cultivator
through the corn patch if he planted it so that it could
be what we called "check rows". I was mentioning
planting corn with the hand planter. He would make
a furrow through the field and then make another
furrow beside it and he would make furrows all the
way across, going in that direction. Then he would
come back and go the other way on the field and
make furrows coming the other way, so that where
those furrows met, there was a little point where he
could plant the corn and that way he could cultivate it
both ways.
Q: Could you just kind of list of me all the types
of things that as a family you used to do by
JJGG 1846
KW: We hoed corn; we planted potatoes, and the
potatoes must be planted with the cut side down. You
must have at least two or three eyes to each potato
Q: Could you just sort of tell me all the things,
without telling me details. Give me a survey.
JJGG 1879
KW: All right. We did potatoes and we dug the
potatoes in the fall and then sometimes we buried
them. But before we planted sweet potatoes we had a
hotbed out here on the side.
Q: Excuse me Katherine. Could you tell me all
the main chores on the farm, the main things that you
kept cattle, that you planted corn, that you planted a
garden, vegetables, you tended berries, tell me all
those things what you did.
JJGG 1925
KW: We had these chickens and poultry; we had to
take care of those; they had to be fed and the eggs had
to be picked, gathered each, periodically during the
day. And if you had a hen on the nest you better be
careful she might bite you. And the turkeys had to be
fed and they had to be fed and put back before they
got ready to go to roost at night. The cattle often
were wandering all over the hill. This hill was
cleared at that point, and there were pasture tracks on
top of it. And so we would have to ride to get the
animals, the cattle down so they could be milked.
And the cattle had to be milked, the cows had to be
milked and the milk taken care of. And it had to
Q: We're out of film, I'm sorry. Good.
Q: Katherine, did the Civil War affect your
JJHA 0017
KW: The Civil War was one of the most impressive
things that happened to the family, and my
grandmother's family members were on the side of the
South. Her brother was in the Confederate army; he
joined his cousins who lived near and they were off to
the War. My grandfather and grandmother were not
married until after the war was over, but grandmother
and grandfather attended the same church and the
same one-room school, but he went with the Federal
army and was driving wagon train across the
mountains by Elkins, Beverly, Huttonsville, Rich
Mountain, and over in that area and then later was in
the war of the Potomac. He became very, very ill and
was in this tent hospital on the Mall?? in Washington,
DC and was discharged from that hospital in 1865.
But they were not married until after the war was
Q: Tell me what you were starting to tell, ??? we
still think the Civil War?
JJHA 0116
KW: My family members still think Civil War
because we grew up with it. We were influenced
greatly by my grandparents. My father was
influenced by his parents, and I was in my twenties
when my grandmother passed way, because -- so I
had an opportunity to be with her a great deal and
hear these things told. My aunt who was a music
teacher played Civil War songs. But she played the
northern songs, and the -- she felt that she was of the
northern army. And my father felt that he was also a
sympathizer of the North, but grandmother, being a
staunch Confederate sympathizer, had a point of view
which was extremely different, but it was her way of
thinking so we were all influenced by it and still think
of those different points of reason and they have
influenced all of us. And I am glad that I was able to
be with grandmother and hear her point of view
because I lived in the south, south of West Virginia,
we're still below the Mason-Dixon Line here in West
Virginia, but even south of this, I knew the feelings of
those folk who were hurt by the most by this
Q: When you went away and -- let me ask you
another question first. This life that you describe of
living on a farm, which was fairly similar between
you, your mother, and your grandmother, when did it
start to change? And what changed it? What did it
JJHA 0286
KW: I think the 4-H Club program here in West
Virginia has been a very great influence, and I am
grateful for those experiences. And the fact that we
were exposed to maybe an improved way of, in the
home economics division of course, an improved way
of doing things, a little different way of doing things,
but whatever we were working with, with the folks
from the Extension Service of the University at
Q: What I'm getting at is a little different than
that, Katherine. Did the building of roads, or the
growth of the towns around here, did that change the
way of life for all of you?
JJHA 0353
KW: Indeed the roads were some of the most
important improvements. When the WPA built the
road from West Milford to Duck Creek, this was a
great help. And then later the road was paved
through here. Not paved, we had a rock surface, this
mile from here to the Duck Creek was a hazard and
when it got so bad in winter that it was unsafe for the
horse to travel in the mud, we walked. And had to
cross fourteen fences to get to school. And some of
those were nine rails high to take care of the cattle
and those neighbors were wonderful to keep their
cattle in bounds. But it was difficult to do this. But
the road building was so extremely important and
allowed us then to be able to go where we needed to
go more easily. And that was important. Then when
I first began to be employed, my first job was at
Jackson's Mill the night I graduated from high school.
I worked in the dining room that summer to earn
money to go to college. Then I was offered a position
with a minister in the community who was a --
Q: Let me interrupt you. Just a little too detailed
for us, I'm sorry. I want now to return to the
beginning of what our conversation and I want you to
tell me, did you ever when you were living away from
West Virginia, did you ever have a picture in your
mind of what West Virginia represented to you?
What it smelled like? What it felt like? What it
looked like in your mind?
JJHA 0523
KW: What is important? West Virginia was always
in my mind. So I wanted to get back, you know, and
came back as often as I could. But I was -- when my
schooling was completed, the six weeks of New York,
I was able to get a job --
Q: I want you to tell me about that picture that
was in your mind? Can you recall it? Describe it to
JJHA 0563
KW: The picture of West Virginia? Yes, it was just
the same as it was when I lived here and I would be
able to come even in bad weather and be able to get
home with no problem.
Q: What was it that you were missing? Tell
JJHA 0593
KW: Missing the family first. Family was extremely
important. And then of course the location. The
house, and all these things that you're --
Q: What about emotionally? Was there a sense
of belonging?
KW: Oh yes. Yes.
Q: Tell me about that sense of belonging.
JJHA 0622
KW: That's extremely important. I think in our
society now, the reason that we have so many social
problems is because these children have no feeling of
belonging to anything. I think this is one of the sad
things that our wars have done so much damage to the
family. And I think this has caused families to
disintegrate. Another thing that has been difficult, the
Depression back when I was young, caused family
problems and both members of the family had to work
and there could be no mother to stay home and take
care of children. We have gotten into a situation now
where both parents must work and it's so sad. And
yet I wonder really if we would be just a little bit
more thoughtful and not spend our leisure time in the
malls and not spend so much time watching television
and do a little bit more educational thing from a
standpoint of actual hands-on education, as related to
farms and to farm life.
JJHA 0738
And to know how to manage on a budget that was
very, very limited with every member of the family
participating in whatever had to be done, whatever
work and whatever kinds of chores had to be done, we
might be all better as a result of it. And our society
might be stronger. And we might not have all these
problems of crime and all these problems that we are
facing now. And we live a world which is entirely
different at this point. It was different when I was
living, than it was when my grandmother was living
at the time of the Civil War, and I think that the
transportation has both benefited us greatly, but it has
also caused us some irreparable harm.
Q: Do you think West Virginia has been a better
place than average for family?
JJHA 0811
KW: I should think that everyone feels that. I think
that people who have strong home ties here when they
retire, if it's possible for them to do so, they'll come
back. And sometimes the climate in other places is
helpful to people, but a great many of them who like
to return to the area.
Q: Do you have an attachment to West
KW: Oh, yes.
Q: Tell me about it.
JJHA 0853
KW: Well, having lived in other places, I feel that I
must get back here.