Gilmer County


Robert Kennedy visited on April 26.
Karl Rolvaag visited on behalf of the Humphrey campaign on April 29.

Hover mouse over a dot on the map for a list of known campaigners and dates for that specific community.

Campaign in Gilmer County

Robert Kennedy visited Glenville on April 26. Karl Rolvaag, lieutenant governor of Minnesota, visited that town on behalf of the Humphrey campaign on April 29.

Article, Calhoun Chronicle, April 21, 1960
Article, Glenville Democrat, April 21, 1960
Article, Clarksburg Exponent, April 26, 1960
Article, Glenville Democrat, April 28, 1960
Article, Clarksburg Exponent, April 30, 1960

| Campaign Summary |
| Visits by Date | Visits by County |

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